    Just a thought.....................

    Would you kill a person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen or more other people?

    I think i "might" but, but, but, buuuuuuttttt..............

    WELL? go on then....................

    +7  Views: 1215 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    Hey mate,my wife just bought home 5 dvd discs from the library,,"The History Of Scotland From Beginning To End ",I might even end up telling you something about Scotland..???????>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<

    You never know mate, I learn something new about this beautiful country every day.

    Try getting a copy of 'Grey Friars Bobby', Terry, a great, great film. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Hey mate, i know the story of "Grey Friars Bobby"And i believe there is a fair bit of debate over the truth of the story,,However i will try and get it,it could be a good yarn,,

    11 Answers

    No problem with that Romos,,it is a mans duty to help his fellow man,if i am ever in that position to save a dozen people from a madman murderer,i hope very much i would be man enough to blow his brains out,, or at least try,,we had a madman at the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania,35 dead 23 wounded,,he stopped to reload and nobody charged him,they sat under tables waiting for him to kill them,,i am not judging them,,they had their own fears and i was not there in their shoes,,but if one man had attacked him while reloading,,how many might he have saved,,how many family's might not be in mourning....


    Terry those poor victims did not have a chance no matter how look at it, that poor little six year old girl was running for her life with Bryant running behind her whilst reloading an Assault Rifle and eventually blew her away, i was there just before and after this tragic event, the flowers laid out in front of the cafe was to me very misty.
    terryfossil 1

    Bullet,,It was a sad sad day,,i did not try to demean that,,,,,,,R.I.P.

    Probably, and I'm sure I wouldn't be weighing the pros and cons, but acting in the moment, impulsively, a reflex.

    As Clint Eastwood said, "killing a man is a hell of a thing". In a situation where the "Several others" were directly under immediate threat the answer is yes,I'm sure I could.

    I am not sure! I think if someone threatened my family I could. I would need to be enraged to do it.  But as I get older maybe I could do the deed to save 12 people.  Hope I don't have the need for that.  BTW Good Question!


    Makes you think eh?

    I can't even think of a possible circumstance in which I might be required to make that decision. What made you think of such a question?


    A thought.

    You thought a thought and that's what made you think of it?

    I think, I thunk, I did.

    Then I think that thought is thilly! Don't you think tho?

    Are you going to anther me?

    Duckster, you just had a mass gun killing in Canada. Wasn't it in Ottawa ? Well anyway, we just had another school shooting by a maniac at Flor State U. in Talahassee, FL. Luckily , the cops arrived fast for once and shot him dead.

    Romeoth, Romeoth, wherefore art thou Romeoth?

    The anther is in Theebees' link.

    Oh THAT'S what got you thinking? Quite a sacrifice wasn't it? :(

    This is not the exact video I remember so it's not as poignant , but if you watch it it may help you with seeking an answer to your question.


    Complicated eh?
    country bumpkin

    Uhmmm, you placed this comment two minutes after I answered it. Was the 10 minute video too long for you to watch?

    I dunno, I guess I could and would if need be. I’d have to live with it, I’d get over it though…...

    I did. No question about his intent and ability to do so. 

    Yes, If a maniac was shooting up the library of a University, and I had a gun and could hide behind a post, then, yes, I would stop him from killing 8 or 10 more people . I would stop him with a bullet.

    I wont answer this because it might be used against me later in court , for some reason, if that would ever happen.


    Go on, go on, go on, I promise I'll plead the fifth!

    You can immobilise someone without killing them, or is that not an option.:)


    It is certainly an option, bulletman, but let's say you weren't able to immobilize the guy/girl; there was no option - either kill or many be killed

    Moved comment to Bob/PKB from bulletman > MSBob, if there was no option, No Question Asked. :)

    OK, bulletman, there's two choices: let him go and kill people or take him out.
    You've weighed the immobilize plan and it won't work. Now what

    Lock and Load!

    Now yer talkin'

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