    A question for men.

    Do you find Kim Kardashian attractive? Personally I find her grotesque.

    +3  Views: 741 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    I'm not a guy, but for once I am in complete agreement with nomdeplume. 

    It's embarrassing to ME, as an Armenian and a female, to have Kim and her sisters "representing my community".

    I neither watch their show nor have any interest in video games, fashions with their names on the labels, or anything else they do to make a buck.  Their men don't impress me, either. 

    Here's one of the girls without any makeup.  Which one do you think it might be:


    I also don't get the fascination with that whole family nor their choice in men, Kanye in particular. Is there a male celebrity anywhere, with a bigger ego? Eeeeewwwwww.....

    I guess that's what they have in common...inflated ego (hers to go with her butt)


    I don't think she's unattractive, I'm sure many young women would be happy with half her looks, her personality is certainly "grotesque" but she and her family choose to be media led, sign of the times I suppose.

    I’m not gay but I can appreciate a good looking woman though I am female. I don’t appreciate her…….

    I thought she looked great as a horses behind.....


    How do horses' behinds look "down under"? Are they "reversed"?
    terryfossil 1

    I would put Jennifer Lawrence way ahead of her,,and quite a few others,,and with better morals ....>>>>hey it was you guys that posted her with the horses backside,,but she did look good then..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Between the botox swollen lips, the extra pounds, false lashes, etc. I think Bruce makes a better looking woman than the beefy girls!  (Just kidding about Bruce, but you cannot make this stuff up, huh?)  Old man Kardashian must be laughing at how they all turned out...  they do know how to market themselves however! 


    Funny! Also, Kim's video game has earned $43 million in just 3 months!

    I'm "split" between the two. If I was a "crack" addict, and a heroin addict, it would be tough to choose. Actually, I like Khloe the best! ""

    I'll put it to you this way Nom.I wouldn't climb over her to get to you that's for sure. But no...she doesn't particularly attract me.

    I don't watch that sh---   . If it wasn't for their old man giving O.J. asylum from the cops, when they were looking for him, the Kardashian girls would have starved to death. That's the only thing they're famous for. and their old man has been dead now for some time.

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