    3. Why was language such an important skill for early humans to have?

    0  Views: 4039 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    It's a form of communication that's more affective than sign language and beating drums..............

    In the Old Testament, there is the story of the Tower of Babel.  People thought they could build a tower that ascended to Heaven  They got really busy on it right away, and they were making good progress.  What displeased God, as the story goes, was that the people were starting to get a little too enamored with their tower and themselves instead of worshiping God.  By mixing up the languages, the people were not able to communicate with each other anymore, and the building came to a complete halt. 

    This is the best example of why verbal language was important to "early humans" and why it's still important today. 

    terryfossil 1

    And we are making the same mistake early humans made,,,hence, the bible say's, "lest i come quickly you will destroy yourselves".

    Well on our way, aren't we. :(
    terryfossil 1

    Certainly are miss Bob..<<>>>Always nice talking

    So Fred Flintstone could ask Wilma to bring him a beer   ;-)


    Beer in Bedrock ... I missed that episode.

    3.- Because it finally allowed woman to understand, by means of the spoken word of man, all the wrongs that they were committing ( albeit, unknowingly ) 


    You are horrid! Just horrid! Amusing, but horrid.

    Being a woman, I don't understand why it is that we can't give TD's. Can you explain that to me digger, using very simple language of course? :)

    I will NOT teach you THAT secret. You MAY just practice the skill on MY answers. Then again, you can always ask mycatsmom. She's TD'd me numerous times.

    Perhaps she has no appreciation of that Canadian sense of humor? You ARE being humorous aren't you? :)

    HUH ? ;-)

    Oh yeah, eh? We talk "reel" good! :)

    MCM: sigh, digger is saying that by being able to verbally communicate to women, and have them comprehend the words, "early" men told the women about the things women do wrong (albeit unknowingly). It amounted to cooking the pterodactyl a couple minutes longer.
    ALL the real men in CANADA have no complaints. Eh?

    That's right Bob. "Reel" Canadian men don't complain! Digger sometimes confuses his "whine" with his "wine". :)

    Sometimes he gets a little cheesy?

    Cheesy and whiney (or winey). :)

    Hilarious Diggity Digs but, I think you need a bigger spoon. (Or) You are not stirring vigorously enough. :)

    Okay lemme see if I got this right and I quote " 3.- Because it finally allowed woman to understand, by means of the spoken word of man, all the wrongs that they were committing ( albeit, unknowingly ) " .... and I see this as women being able to see the 'wrongs' men were committing ... eh? ... even though the 'men' were committing these wrongs unbeknownst to them very selves!! Am I getting this correctly because that's how the sentence reads to me digger dude. Hah!

    I think you've got it lindi. Poor digger. He is SO confused!

    Evidently, some of "you women" have not yet evolved in your understanding of the "spoken word"

    Maybe if you get that cigar outta yer mouth we could hears ya better b'y! lmbo

    I am using the greater power of ESP. .... That is because I am a woman and I possess the power to do just that. It's an ethereal type thing in the evolution of woman-kind.
    So, dear Diggity, I completely understand your intention, direction and misinterpretation concerning man, spoken word and woman.

    It's ok though. Evolution is a tough gig. :D

    I do appreciate the open door of The Evolution of Woman-Kind that you offer. ... You clearly are walking into the Evolution of Somewhat Modern Man with Glass of Wine in Hand. From beer to wine, that is *evolution, baby!*

    *(Pearl Jam reference.)

    There is a theory that Neanderthals died out because they did not have the gift of verbal communication.


    Evidently, not ALL did. How else would you explain the existence of Tea Party Republicans?

    Strangely, all people of white European origin carry Neanderthal genes, but black Africans do not. So how is it that homo sapiens originates from Africa? Tea Party Republicans are obviously mutants.

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