My friend, A, drinks a half pint of straight whiskey sometimes more, every evening . She doesn't get drunk, per se, but she gets to acting silly or argumentative. She claims she's not drunk. She never gets a hang over. Is she an alcoholic if she doesn't get drunk ? She had been rather drunk on occasion, but not for a long time . She works during the day time.
7 Answers
For seven years, I worked for an alcoholic boss. Did he admit that he was an alcoholic? No and some of his friends agreed with his assessment. Why? Because he never had a hangover, he never missed work and twice a year, he quit drinking for a month. ("See, that proves I'm not an alcoholic".) His wife put up with his moods at home, watched him fall asleep every night after supper, never do anything with his three kids, and never take her anywhere, ever...just drank!
After many years, she left saying "Those two months out of twelve, just aren't worth it anymore". Amazingly, many people didn't think he was an alcoholic because they didn't SEE his personality changes and he could quit for a period of time. He was still an alcoholic....and yes, he knew it.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I'm always on pins and needles re: drugs and my sons. Always will be, and they could go the rest of their (far past my) lives without a relapse, and I'll worry on my death bed (or wherever I may be).
Thanks for responding, jh .