    Am I the only one who is totally shocked by the Bill Cosby scandal? To me it is unbelievable!

    +8  Views: 1182 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    I've heard this all before and It's sickening if true because he is such a role model, the perfect dad or granddad.      Bill may seem like a warm cozy comforter on a cold winter night, but don't lift up the sheets. :(

    It hurts just to speculate, I still have my brother's album collection (vinyl)....


    I like the album called " Why is there Air ? " On that album, he talks about the story of Noah's Ark and it's funny !

    There were a few of them and I’ve got 4…….

    "To Russell,My brother,Whom I slept with".

    Not shocked because it's been rumored for decades. Also, if I remember correctly, regarding another such accusation a few years ago, he settled out of court. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg with lots more to come.




    I just saw about him settling out of court in 2006! Still the jello pudding guy? Very Freaky!!

    Who is Bill Cosby,,??

    The woman who recently came forward, says she was laughed out of a lawyer's office back in 1989. I assume because of Bill Cosby being "untouchable". The climate is different in 2014.

    @hector...very successful television star and stand up comedian.

    Public figures seem to get away with a lot! I guess I am naive! Head buried in the sand! Sometimes I think that is a good place!

    oh i remember him ,he looks as if hes put on a bit of weight,

    I'm not super-surprised, because I've always felt he isn't the squeaky clean Dr. Huxtable or Jello-guy from the commercials.   Years ago I heard he had a pretty healthy taste for certain drugs.  That obscene sense of entitlement accompanies the weak and the mighty indiscriminately. It will be interesting to see how it plays out, though I doubt it will go far. 


    Hi Phyl.Drop us another line please.I lost your email during a computer change.

    Sorry guys, can you fill me in to what Bill Cosby been up to, i hav'nt seen or read of him in the news.


    Same here, first I've heard of it.
    country bumpkin

    A woman has accused him of raping her in 1985 when she was 17. (Several women have accused him of sexual assault).
    Here is a bit for you to read.
    Cosby won my trust as a 17-year-old aspiring actress in 1985, brainwashed me into viewing him as a father figure, and then assaulted me multiple times. In one case, I blacked out after having dinner and one glass of wine at his New York City brownstone, where he had offered to mentor me and discuss the entertainment industry. When I came to, I was in my panties and a man’s t-shirt, and Cosby was looming over me. I’m certain now that he drugged and raped me. But as a teenager, I tried to convince myself I had imagined it. I even tried to rationalize it: Bill Cosby was going to make me a star and this was part of the deal. The final incident was in Atlantic City, where we had traveled for an industry event. I was staying in a separate bedroom of Cosby’s hotel suite, but he pinned me down in his own bed while I screamed for help. I’ll never forget the clinking of his belt buckle as he struggled to pull his pants off. I furiously tried to wrestle from his grasp until he eventually gave up, angrily called me “a baby” and sent me home to Denver.

    Sounds a bit like Jimmy Savile. Though the vile Savile specialised in assaults on young girls.

    I'm not shocked, Just disappointed. I guess after what O.J. did, it takes a lot to shock us.

    I've heard and seen various assertions regarding many famous people and if they aren't photographed being dragged to a police lock-up and there's no dead bodies at the scene.....I doubt there is much there to squabble over. Pestering assertion-ist make money rubbing famous people the wrong-way. 

    You know what??? everyone is on the guilty wagon, I'm just not sure.  He hasn't come out and denied it that I know of.  But I will say, not guilty until proven so.  You hear of these things all the time, some gold digger will take a wealthy personality down the tubes without concern to their reputation.  All for money.  Not saying this is true but I would like more facts.  These s'posed attacks happened in the 80's.  Why bring it out now??  Did she run out of cash from the last scam?    I know, she heard that someone else was suing Mr. Cosby and she said.. Oh!!  That happened to me too!  I think I should get my share  before this other woman takes it all!!"



    Wow! I guess SHE is the guilty one? You do know that he's already settled a previous accusation of the same nature, out of court? Guess we can assume that he wouldn't do it (at least) twice.

    There are a lot of settlements out of court. This does not mean the party was guilty. It means they had the money to quiet things down. It doses seem that after one accusation more people appear to say the same thing happened to them. Perhaps?

    I realize that clu...sometimes it's all about the money and who has more of it. Why didn't Cosby answer the radio interviewer's question instead of immediately shaking his head no and refusing to talk? That adds to the suspicion in my mind. Maybe he IS innocent.....maybe not. When several witnesses say the same thing, they can't all be lying so we'll see what comes out next. I hope that no women would lie about such behavior and when they do, it really p*****s me off!!! That is as bad as the male behavior and accomplishes nothing.

    Spot on duck.

    Thank you ROMOS.

    I'm not saying he's guilty or innocent, obviously his not defending himself gives credence to those wanting to confirm his guilt. "Silence speaks loudly". My concern is now I understand there are 16 women coming forward with these allegations. Everyone says. "Wow, 16 people can't be lying'.. i say, yes they can, they have already stated that they had conversations with each other. Bill Cosby is a fine target, he's very wealthy, he has an image that must be upheld and his political stance is also target, especially amongst the blacks. I would not be surprised if this doesn't come out to be false accusations and he sues them for defamation of character. But then again, I also would not be surprised if the whole thing is true. Many times those of 'star character' think they are above the law and they can get away with murder--hear that OJ?? Robert Blake?? I am following it close. I like Bill Cosby, he's a funny man! If guilty, I blame the man, not the comedian.

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