
    Some of you know that there are - as usual - some issues my family and I are experiencing that have us in court.  One is my parents' estate, which should be resolved in about a month. 

    The GOOD NEWS is that today, about 4 months from the beginning of the journey, my eldest son has earned fully physical and legal custody of his three children.  GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS!!!!!


    +12  Views: 1270 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago
    Starlite 59

    Is this a question? Or a bulletin about you?

    I don't see a question mark anywhere in the text. It isn't a "bulletin" about me. I am sharing some good news with my akaQA friends. Some of the members have relationships that go outside the site. If you wander through the questions, you'll find quite a few that don't end with a question mark.

    11 Answers

    For the moment Bob ,I thought you had taken out a 7/10 split,


    Left "the big 4" three nights ago, and took out the 4-6-10. 4 pin just laid there...any kind of roll....maybe next time

    Never mind Bob next time,and it probley was a heaver roge pin,maybe i can give you a little tuition someday,

    There's a video from the PBA/USBC that gives tips on everything. I think you are the expert giving the examples for us! Man, you are one handsome, bowler dude!!

    Does that include the revs you can generate on the bowling ball,??

    That is my next area to improve. The ball is rolling over the thumb hole. You can see the oil track cut right through the middle, and I know that's not good, but have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've got a new way to hold the ball to work on. The release is going to give me the most trouble. Always a work in progress...

    you cant be doing to bad ,juging by your averages,I wish i had you as a partner in a team ,

    Me, too


     You need some positive news in your life right now.  What a relief this must be for you and your son.  I'm very happy for all of you.

    I got your text and am just as relieved to read it here as well! There is a God…….


    Glad to hear the good news for all.    :)


    That must be a relief. Congratulations and enjoy your grandchildren.


    Thank you, PL. Today was a good day. My youngest (10 mos) was here for a couple of hours and this afternoon, my son and his 3 got picked up to spend the night here. Hopefully that will iron out, but it is good to have family around. I had someone to cook a meal for, for a change!

    That IS good news Phyl.

    That's great! Maybe all your luck now will be good!


    Well, no. I don't even want to talk about the latest. One step forward, two steps back. Unbelievable.

    There's no news like good news, Congrats MsBob. :)

    Glad to hear that .


    That's  good news Bob, it's  time you had some for your family.  

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