    Why does my motion detector light on my garage stay on all night ?

    It defeats the purpose of having it if it stays on all night. I have looked out there for cats ,bunnies , possums,and raccoons, etc, but I don't see anything and it's on. Just once I  saw a bunny and once a cat. .....but that's all .There haven't been any leaves blowing by it lately .

    +3  Views: 1726 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: garage door

    5 Answers

    Mycatsmom, is there a setting screw on the sensor or light to adjust how fine you want to set movement, it may be on full, if it is the light stays on regardless. :)


    Yes there is on most good quility ones,

    thx, bullet, and Hector. I'll get up on a ladder and look at it. ......if my ladder is long enough. Or, I'll get my friend, Ron to bring over his ladder and look at it . ;-)

    MCM,,try turning the light off at the powerpoint,,leave it off for about 30 sec,,that might reset it back to motion sensor,,best i can offer MCM,let me know how you go..>>>>>><<<<<<<


    Good idea, Terry . I'm really glad I asked the good folks on this site :-)


    • 1

      Move the motion sensor to a position away from an exterior air conditioning unit, a dryer vent or a heat vent. The heat from these objects could trigger the motion detector and cause the light to remain on.

    • 2

      Position the sensor away from objects such as trees and shrubs. The wind blowing though the leaves can cause the detector to sense motion, keeping the light on. Make sure the motion light is mounted to a sturdy service. A surface that moves can create false triggers and turn on the light. Verify that the sensor isn’t pointed toward the road. Passing cars can cause the light to come on and stay on.

    • 3

      Check the time switch to confirm it isn’t set in “Test” mode. If set in “Test” mode, move the switch to a pre-determined time setting. The “Test” mode could cause the light to come on and remain on.

    • 4

      Reset the light to make sure it isn’t set to manual operation. Turn off the light switch that operates the motion light. Leave the light switch off for one to two seconds. Turn the light switch back on to reset the motion light to automatic.

    Read more :



    Thanks, PL. ......Really good tips. I wonder if me walking past the kitchen-- bay window could set off the motion detector light ? And I didn't know that wind could set it off. It's been windy around here lately .

    Are you dancing in your driveway?


    No, I am, ROMEOS is everywhere. ;)

    Romeos, get outta there adn I mean it! :)

    MCM, you had a similar question about a year ago.  

    Whatever the fix was then may be the fix this time.  

    Some motion detectors can be set to stay on at all times.  Setting the detection point where you want it is important.  You can have a variety of coverage degrees, so that is also something to take into consideration. 

    We have motion detectors at this place, too; it's odd that some of the lights activate when I drive or walk by while others do not.  No, the lights aren't burned out. 

    Here's the question from last year     

    PL's answer looks very similar, and that was good advice a year ago, too.

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