    Is it too early to put up the christmas lights?

    Not at my house, putting them up today. The tree tomorrow.

    +5  Views: 920 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    IMO yes, but heh, whatever floats yer boat.

    Yes, it's way too early to put up Christmas lights and trees. Since I've told you that, you must now take them all down....right away. I'll be driving by tomorrow to make sure that you have obeyed me.    LOL!!!


    Oh yes Christmas tree, that's exactly what you

    will become......and sooner rather than later! 

    I like to wait until Thanksgiving! But if the weather gets nice I would put the outdoor lights up and turn on later! I guess you have an artificial tree? It's your house put them up as soon as you wish! Do you have young kids?


    Kids out of house. Have led bulbs outside, cant see from over 300 feet away. Led just are not very bright .

    It might be slightly early ,but it what suits you ,it will look nice and merry,


    Since Walmart had Christmas items out for three weeks, doesn't seem too early. Any its getting close to freezing now.

    I do not agree with Christmas commercials or Christmas lights before Thanksgiving (USA).  I know Thanksgiving is not as popular as Christmas, but putting up Christmas lights and making Christmas commercials before Thanksgiving seems disrespectful to me.

    terryfossil 1

    HEY CB,,what happened to your avatar,,,or is it a christmas thing, Maybe Roy is looking for a early bottle of rum..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    country bumpkin

    I tried to change it the other night Terry, but for some reason I couldn't get the new avatar to work. I'll try to find another one today and see if I can get it to work.

    I agree totally with C B.

    Today is November 8th, and for me, that's too early, in spite of the fact every store in the whole county is touting Christmas already.  

    I have autumn decorations and just bought a "Giving Thanks" flag to drape from my decorative flag pole.  However, I'll wait til Wednesday to put it out because I also bought a flag for the flag pole and will use it on Veteran's Day, as well as other  patriot-oriented holidays (Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July).

    After Thanksgiving seems like a good time to go Noel, but it's your choice!

    One city here decided it’s ok to put up decorations and lights, just don’t turn them on!!!!


    Thats a good idea Terry,it will be very economical and save on the electricity cost,

    that's not a bad idea, jh.

    Huh, is it July already??

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