    How is everyone's weather? The wind is howling here and we are under a wind advisory! At least I still have power- Last Friday we were out for 12 hours!

    +5  Views: 1646 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    What's up clu?

    5 Answers

    The weather is cooling off here, but it's warm this year  for the first part of November. Scotland made history with the warmest Halloween on record.  Yesterday, last night and this morning it rained. I do not miss the Texas heat, but I do miss the sunshine.


    It was foggy here this morning....really surprised. I would miss the sunshine, too....just the few months we are grey-skied here is a mood depressor.

    Rain. A lot of rain. All Tue. night, all day Weds. into Thurs. a.m. It always rains on my birthday! But the day turned out nice, a small breeze, and some Texas sun.  It’s 61 right now………(8:15p)


    I didn't think it rained in Texas. Also didn't think it was ever 61 F .

    We have gotten over 13 inches rain last couple months. There is usually a couple days in winter when it doesn't get over 15 degrees . Usually below freezing at night for atleast 70 days or longer.

    Cool with lots of wind and rain and most of the leaves are on the ground.  Winter is on its way.           :(

    Oh dear....of all the weather possible, WIND is the one I dislike most/like least.  If it's more than a cool (or warm) breeze, NO THANK YOU! 

    We had some good rainfall last weekend, but yesterday (Wednesday), I sat by the pool and read a book.  The sun was warm, the sky clear.   This morning, I wore a light jacket when I took the dog for a walk.  Last night, I was out without a jacket.  I guess you'd say, same old, same old.   


    How can you show off all your bowling badges,if you dont wear your Jacket Miss Bob,?

    Can't rest on past success! My championship jacket has been worn, though, to the tournament last weekend. My name is in the "averages book" with my teammates, noting us as the championship team for the city even 2014. WHY my name is misspelled is beyond me. I've never know any Phyllis who spelled her name "Phyliss". (grump grump)

    You must be an awesome bowler!!!
    I have a relative whose name is Phyllis....often spelled incorrectly. Seems to be a tough one for people. :(

    I Always thought your name was Bob,??

    Hector, whatever you can spell correctly. ...
    It's qeird, Ducky. Such an old name, though, probably won't be around much longer

    I can spell Fillis,Corretley Bob,

    Your spelling is speshell indeed, hector.

    Clu, I live in Mich too, like you . We have a stiff wind tonight, but not like  you described . We didn't have any power outages last week. At least tomorrow, it's supposed to be sunny , but not warm. It's going to be 43 F.  I'll take that over winter. Still a lot of leaves falling. I've done the leaf work 3 X  !!

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