It's Guy Fawkes night here in the UK, don't suppose most of you will have heard of this celebration?
7 Answers
I love fireworks on Independence day so Guy Fawkes day reminds me of the 4th of July.
Con: It's a little to cold to set outside to watch the fireworks.
Pro: A. The fireworks are not limited to being set off outside of city limits.
B. There are no regulations to the size.
I can look outside of the windows or set on the Veranda and see spectacular firework displays all over the place.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I loved Goy Fawkes day, unfortunately the fireworks were banned around 30 plus years ago, as november the fifth is the start of our summer and too many fires were started and more and more children each year were suffering with severe burns from the crackers as they were getting more and more powerful, i do miss the burning of the guy sounds a bit barbaric, it was good fun.:)
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Yep Romos, remember it very well,long time ago though,,they banned it here, don't know why though,,i used to make a gun with a penny bunger,could fire a marble or ball bearing a hell of a long way,,they were great for blowing up peoples letter boxes,,and jumping jacks were great,,3 or 4 different explosions in 3 or 4 different places,,yeah i know,,i am probably part of the reason they banned Guy Fawkes night..misspent youth mate misspent youth..but damn it was great..>>><<<
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |