    I am having great difficulty getting back onto Facebook. I don't understand why I was thrown off it, Please help. Thanks.

    There seems to have been a problem with my password, but I didn't ask to change it.

    0  Views: 422 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    This happened to me too.FB seemed to disconnect me and threw me under the bus for no reason.

    For about 2 years I could not get back on FB. I tried everything including changing my password and doing step by step what they told me to ----to get back on . It didn't work. The only thing that worked was when Colleen, our former moderator here on akaQA suggested to me to get a different browser. I didn't know what that meant. So, I learned that it meant if you have Internet Explorer, it doesn't work well, b/c it's outdated. So I tried Foxfire and that worked great !  I got back on FB.


    My computer is soooo messed up. I have an appointment at the Genius Bar next week. (That's the place where you take your very very sick Macintosh). I am so confused about the problem that I've really considered just tossing it. I hate to go to the Genius Bar. They are all super nerds and they will ask me very hard questions.
    So, hmmm ... a new browser sounds like a good idea.
    If you watch Modern Family, you may be acquainted with Julianna and Clive. I laugh so hard about that show.
    Is Colleen really a "form moderator"?

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