    Ok this is weird, but bear with me. I feel like i am dying. READ Below

    ok so sometimes i will just feel like my light is going out. and i will be stuck there for a while, and my whole body goes numb. and i start feeling. cold, what is that. like im dweling too small inside my body

    +5  Views: 1821 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    Annalee, if what you are saying is really true, why aren't you asking these questions in the emergency department of your local hospital or, at the very least, your doctor? Asking strangers on the internet seems to make your condition sound rather trivial, don't you think?

    her condition doesn't sound trivial

    I personally cannot diagnose a condition, nor can I tell if it's real, by reading words on my computer screen. So I typed...."Why aren't you asking these questions in the emergency department of your local hospital or, at the very least, your doctor?" Now I'll ask YOU, why do you suppose she hasn't done that? Do you have an answer for me MCM?

    6 Answers

    Sounds like an anxiety episode or panic attack. Best to discuss these symptoms with a doctor.

    first, see a doctor.  2nd, it could be nerves or poor circulation. You've got to get out and walk , if you're able. Even walk inside a mall or something. And make sure you eat a balanced diet .

     Well, I certainly want to make you scared enough to go to a doctor, so it could be a major illness, organs malfunctioning or failing, something so serious you could lose consciousness from and not awake.  


    Yes, like some kind of diabetic episode or something.

    Our bodies and minds has lots of oddities about whatever it is that comes up next. Dying is something we all go through eventually and there in genetic memory along with taboo subjects like past lifetime experiences. Many are completely convinced such ideas are dangerous, crazy or just another odd thought. My personal experience with death and dying thoughts and experiences has kept me busy for nearly 70 years. My interest and exploratory curiosity has left few stones un-turned to this day. There are many stepping stones along the way that are really great and will drive everyone you know who have no interest in this subject far-far-away. 

    "A Course In Miracles" is a great place to get better adjusted to whatever you are experiencing. it is available on-line at ACIM.Com . It is a very beneficial course and takes about a year to get through it nicely.  


    dying is genetic. It tends to run in families ;-)

    That's the first symptoms of becoming a liberal democrat. You become delirious , confused , cant make decisions on your own. Your hormones are changing. Go to the doctor now. Blood work time.


    suggest you consult your doctor first. 

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