    If you're married, do you wear a wedding ring? If you don't, why not?

    I'm married, but my wife is a real B***H. For me, it's not a wedding ring, it's a SUFFering!

    +3  Views: 1978 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: wedding ring

    Clonge, all this time I thought you were a female. I don't know why . Laff

    Gotta get with the times, mcm. I CAN be a female and have a "wife". LOL! Seriously, I'm a male, though my wife has tried Lorena Bobbitt surgery.

    6 Answers

    No could only afford one when we got married. Always remembered dad telling about  having One of his friends finger shredded when his ring got caught on a bolt when he jumped from the back of a truck..


    Wedding rings can be dangerous. :)

    JDB, I've heard for years that the men around here don't wear their wedding ring in the Ford plant, b/c it could get caught on something and wrench your finger or take it off. I don't know about the women at Fords. I'll have to ask my g.friend who moved out of state when she retired from Fords.

    Poor, poor Clonge.       Is this it?         Ouch!



    that happened to my mom with her wedding ring when she was in her 80s.She claimed she never took it off since the day she got married. A nurse then took it off with dental floss

    I've seen that dental floss trick.
    terryfossil 1

    Yep,,remember that quite well,,and the pain..

    You "grew out of" your ring terry? :)
    terryfossil 1

    Very much so duck,had to get it cut off and resized..

    Marriage outlasting the ring....good for the two of you! :)
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Duck,,they are matching 9ct white gold rings,maybe that makes them softer than the more expensive gold rings,,we did not have much money when we got married,,we were married in my sisters back yard by the paster of our church,and the church camera man video the whole thing for free,,my wife was a school monitor at the church school,,and i was the cleaner at the church..just a bit of trivia for you Duck..Always nice talking Duck..

    Nice story Terry. Thanks. :)

    I loved my wedding ring and was heartbroken when there was no marriage for the ring to symbolize anymore.  It was stolen a few years later, and when I see the S.O.B. who stole it (along with other jewelry that had value as well as sentimental value) I will likely assault him.  

    My ex-husband is in his third marriage and has insisted he have same style ring every time.  For all I know, he is wearing the ring from his first marriage again.  

    I wore one when I was married some 40 years ago. I kept the ring until 5 years later when I lost it. Called my ex for the first time since we spit. All in all, a sad situation……...


    Our relationship isn't that bad. We haven't "spat" on each other..yet. LOL!

    Giddy Mate,,i guess i am gonna sound sloppy,,i have been married about 31 years,my ring has been off my finger once,i had to get it cut off and resized,my wife is soon to get hers cut off and resized..Clonge,when you get married in a church under God,you say vows to the wife to be and under they are not just words,and they are supposed to last a lifetime,,my problem is, will the rings last as long as us..All the best Clonge,aaaaahhh yes,,i always figured you were a bloke..>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    A bloke...and BROKE! Marriage will do that to ya!
    terryfossil 1

    Mate if i had to do it again with the same woman..i would,,As for broke,,i was broke before i met her,,i went to work and she managed the finances,,i am not broke because of her,,

    Very touching!

    terryfossil 1

    Sarcasm Clonge..?????????

    No. I'm serious. You're very fortunate. I can be a bit sentimental!
    terryfossil 1

    and i can be a bit suspicious ,,sorry mate ,,and thanks..>>>><<<<<

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