    Explain why companies such as kolestro burger may choose to operate as a chain of franchies

    +1  Views: 673 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers


    To promote healthy eating? To make more money?

    Can you guess what their goal might be?


    I think the name is suspect. Maaaaybeeee they are attempting to take over the planet one hamburger at a time. 

    Thank goodness I don't eat them .... Ah ha! Evil sinister plot thwarted by celiacs and vegetarians! 

    (Are we still supposed to answer in a serious manner or did that rule end?) < If so, ignore me.  


    Don't forget about the "gluten intolerants" who by the way, have broken the "no-humor rule" many times during the past several weeks. Might as well laugh while the ship is sinking. :(
    Benthere can you be ignored ?

    I know, I know ... It is very difficult to ignore a fish. We are everywhere and a lot of us breed like bunnies.
    We also don't need another dead ship in our beloved waters. It's bad enough dealing with phantom submarines.

    Soooooooo...... The, "No Humour Rule" is effectively dead in the water? JOY!

    Humor in good taste is fine with me. Raunchy, sexist, racial etc. is still bad. That was the original rule, as I knew it. Then suddenly, funny answers from certain members, kept disappearing....even mine. :(
    Benthere, warped humor is alive and well with you two around !

    I agree. That FISH is warped!

    ....LOL, point made !

    Whaaaaat? I have never met a warped fish in my life... Hold on, there is my cousin Jimmy but that was only because of an Aqua Clear filter gone awry incident in the summer of '83.
    He's ok now. Uncle Bill and Aunt June employed the use of an early century stretching machine purchased while on vacation in the waters of Europe.
    Jimmy is almost as good as new these days. Not as funny as he once was but, then again, being warped can change a fish's state of mind.

    ....once again, point made ! lol !

    you can always count on the Duck and the Fish-O !

    Obi Wan.... You do realise that you are the only person having the laugh.

    I had a great "anonymous" giving idea today. I am hoping it comes together. ... Good meals and kids. :) .... Wish me luck.

    You inspire me. Thank you.
    You have also inspired my husband.
    With this, our son will be inspired. ... It does come naturally to him.

    Again, I am blessed to know you on this small scale.
    Your devotion to God and the Universe resonates this far north.
    You are very special and extremely unique.

    : )

    unique & antique !

    Yeah Ben! Oh sorry. I've been eavesdropping. :(

    Well, of course the bottom line is the real reason, and by selling franchises for tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars is one of the quickest ways to accomplish that.  With a good product, the money will roll in with little effort on the franchiser's part.   

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