7 Answers
One kind of question that I like, is the kind that ask for an opinion rather than just something that I can "link to". I do have a lot of opinions (in case no one has noticed.) lol
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

I enjoy all our comments here. But we really don't get that closeness elsewhere and I would like our chats to continue. My concern is that the site could someday vanish leaving us without an alternate site to share our views in all of our personal ways. I like our personal association in this format...like a group discussion where anyone can join in to blurt out their answer and comments.. Its great fun and I love all of you very much...
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
QUESTION: Getting opinions about the situation I have with my middle son is a question I would really like to ask here, as I value and respect the opinions of so many, but I would like total answers, not the cop-outs some people give.
ANSWER: The questions about relationships - all kinds of relationships - were the ones I enjoyed most. The faith-based questions could have been interesting if they had been responded to respectfully rather than disdainfully, and I mean that from the viewpoint of the believers AND the non-believers.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I don't think we have much longer to ask or answer anything.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

P.S. You are both loved and appreciated, by the way.

Knowing how much the karma was manipulated has been a huge distraction, though I do aspire to the next milestone. Not using my TUs every day, I neither expect them returned en masse.
I've long had the same suspicions as you about the admin.
Time will tell.
Thanks for your response.

After all this time i thought i was the cynical one, i have always held back a little since i was suspended, now i don't have to, and the funny thing is i hav'nt any thing to add, you guys have done it for me. the suspicious thing i have come across which i did not know until a fellow member try to access with my knowledge, why is the email address hidden from other members in the profile, if i did not want it known i would not have put it in, this came up when the member could not see it, 'it is deceitful weave we web.' - maybe some member with Computer Science could develop our own site with out all the bull shite that goes with it, thanking you all.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

BTW, as long as I'm here BM, you DO still have to behave yourself! :)