    What would YOU like to ask? What kind of answers would you like to give?

    What’s it gonna take to get you involved?

    +4  Views: 1024 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    The best answers is the Truth, not what people want to hear.:)

    7 Answers

    One kind of question that I like, is the kind that ask for an opinion rather than just something that I can "link to". I do have a lot of opinions (in case no one has noticed.) lol


    Never noticed.

    The "October 12-ers" in the unanswered box to the right are a waste of time. I'm not in advertising sales!

    You've never noticed!!!! Oh yes, it's really true.

    Install what?

    Download what?

    I enjoy all our comments here.  But we really don't get that closeness elsewhere and I would like our chats to continue. My concern is that the site could someday vanish leaving us without an alternate site to share our views in all of our personal ways. I like our personal association in this a group discussion where anyone can join in to blurt out their answer and comments.. Its great fun and I love all of you very much...  

    terryfossil 1

    I think your on the money sonny..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Many of us feel the same way, Robert, and many are friends on SKYPE and/or email with each other. I hope we can figure out a way to transfer ourselves to a website together before akaQA disappears, or that there is a good exchange of contact information.

    It can be done on FaceBook but not everyone here is a fan of fb, creating a site doesn't "seem" to be difficult,I have looked into this but money always gets in the way with these companies, we'll keep looking for something.

    I don't ask a lot of questions because I use the internet to find answers and answer other folks questions, apart from all the "new" s**t in the unanswered box, p*s*es me off!

    QUESTION:  Getting opinions about the situation I have with my middle son is a question I would really like to ask here, as I value and respect the opinions of so many, but I would like total answers, not the cop-outs some people give. 

    ANSWER:  The questions about relationships - all kinds of relationships - were the ones I enjoyed most.  The faith-based questions could have been interesting if they had been responded to respectfully rather than disdainfully, and I mean that from the viewpoint of the believers AND the non-believers.  

    I don't think we have much longer to ask or answer anything.


    Oh, but by golly - I heard from the admin that things are changing, just wait……..
    country bumpkin

    Pyth. Will you please explain your comment. I know aka license is supposed to run out in 2015, but several comments were made in the past mentioning that aka is doing fine. Any member who has been here for over a year can tell that aka is on a downward spiral. Will you PLEASE tell us what you know because Admin will not tell the little people anything. Changes IMO is not positive with what we are seeing at present.

    I couldn't tell you sorry, I know as much as anyone else.The dedicated members here really deserve an explanation as to why this site is in limbo.
    country bumpkin

    I certainly agree with you.
    Thank you

    Nice to know that I'm not the only (so-called) moderator to be left in the dark. Quite the group of (so-called) admin. Business owners or just a bunch of kids fooling around with a (so-called) forum?

    PL and Ducky, I'm under the assumption (?) you were both recruited by Colleen and have some way of getting hold of her, at least by SKYPE or email....many of the members probably have that access. She always has/had the answer to everything that was going on around here. Have either of you tried to contact her to get some answers? One would think she would have some responsibility for letting "her assistants" know the status of the site. Thanks!
    P.S. You are both loved and appreciated, by the way.

    @Bob...Your assumption that I was recruited by Colleen is correct. Your assumption, however, that we had/have great communication among the three moderators, is not correct. When the race for that number one position on the Top Contributors List became so important, along with continuous chatter about how UNIMPORTANT karma was, that was the final straw for me, and my communication ended. I refused to be a part of the nonsense. (Some of my own opposing answers started being deleted at that time as well.) BTW, have you noticed that karma is no longer a topic, ever? In summation, I have NO communication nor have I had for a long, long time. I also do not believe that ANYONE ever had answers coming straight from the admin, the developers, the owners etc. Isn't it suspicious that only one moderator of three, would have the inside track? In any case, I was not privileged to hear anything about anything. I remain in the dark along with everyone else who is questioning this "new forum". Being in the dark however, does not make me, nor any of the other members, brainless!

    I'm sure most of us sensed the "animosity" and I have always appreciated your unbiased moderation.
    Knowing how much the karma was manipulated has been a huge distraction, though I do aspire to the next milestone. Not using my TUs every day, I neither expect them returned en masse.
    I've long had the same suspicions as you about the admin.
    Time will tell.
    Thanks for your response.

    Thanks Bob and you're welcome.

    When I was asked by C. to be a moderator, I was outraged at how comments were thrown around about members to me, a mere newbie! Needless to say, I declined the offer, and continued to have little respect, or use for that person! As I grew to learn more about those members being trashed, I realized that my initial feelings were accurate, you are all great people!

    Thanks, Busti…….

    Yep. A good group and pretty well behaved too. Nice to not have to "watch" everybody all the time.

    Thanks from me, too, because it is very likely I was on her list.
    country bumpkin

    You're not alone Bob, I know I'm on that list too.I'm glad you trusted your gut instinct Ray.

    bumpkin, Like what you have done with the doo, is it Scotch Highland style?

    Colleen was always talking about Karma in her belief,,would that be why the points system is called Karma points..>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<

    After all this time i thought i was the cynical one, i have always held back a little since i was suspended, now i don't have to, and the funny thing is i hav'nt any thing to add, you guys have done it for me. the suspicious thing i have come across which i did not know until a fellow member try to access with my knowledge, why is the email address hidden from other members in the profile, if i did not want it known i would not have put it in, this came up when the member could not see it, 'it is deceitful weave we web.' - maybe some member with Computer Science could develop our own site with out all the bull shite that goes with it, thanking you all.

    terryfossil 1

    I think Vinny knows how to develop a new site,,i think he is already on a new site,,,

    Vinny's site is "closed". It didn't sound like "just anybody" could join.

    The email address has never been available for others to see since I've been here (Oct/2011). Most people joining a site, would not want their email publicized. (I personally freaked out when I first joined because I could see mine and thought that everyone could. I contacted admin immediately!) But as with most sites anywhere, you must give an email address in order to join. At one time, moderators could see all email addresses and all IP addresses, not unusual for site moderators. Long ago, that was taken away and I, at least, cannot see either.
    BTW, as long as I'm here BM, you DO still have to behave yourself! :)

    I always behave myself Fluffy Ducky, i beg to differ, when i jioned all those years ago ( 23 April 2011) i had to physically type my Email into the profile, it was not automatic. Cheers my little Canadian Duck. :)

    Yes. It had to be typed in. (Where did I say it's automatic....don't confuse me.) It did not show, to others, however. That was the point that I was making. Moderators and admin could see it.

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