    today my finger stick test results for blood sugar was 281. I almost fainted when she told me. My Dr. didn't offer to put my on pills or anything. He again told me to lose weight and stay away from cookies, candy , cake , pie, etc.

    It's never been over 179 until today . Should I get a different doctor ? Why was my urine test strip normal today if my blood test was  281 ? 

    +2  Views: 1532 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: diabetes

    4 Answers

    According to some friends, staying away from dessert and sugar, is only what the "person on the street" thinks. It's similar to saying if you have a gluten intolerance (which I do), you can't eat bread. There is so much more to it!

    I had to ask, ask, ask questions, ask for information, do research, read, read, read and ask more questions. You can't sit back and rely on someone to do it for you.


    Is bread bad foe Diabetus then,Miss Ducky?

    No idea. I only know about gluten and dairy....for me and can't give advice about diabetes.

    The first time, my Dr. did tell me to stay away from all the white foods----including white bread..They have a high glycemic index. It's hard to stay away from them when you're buying frozen entries and restaurant Chinese food. He told me to get my protein and carbs from beans ( not green beans, but legume type beans ) I don't even like beans, but I try to eat them. I buy Wendy's chile

    So mcm, why is it so hard to stay away from frozen entrees and Chinese food? Why not accept the challenge and find some new recipes, experiment with a different style of cooking, buy some vegetables that you've never tried before, etc. until you have some new, tasty meals? Makes more sense to me than heading for serious illness. BTW, whenever I've searched the internet, the library, used book sales, etc. for information on my own special diet, I've come across truck loads of information about diabetes and proper diet. It's everywhere.....including the doctor's office.

    Hopefully, Julie will see this and give you some good information.  If your blood strip was taken this morning, before you ate or drank anything, it is quite high, and that I know for sure.  
    If doctor doesn't want you on "for-the-rest-of-your-life" drugs, I'd be asking a lot of questions, and I'd be glad I'm not "that ill" yet.  There are magazines and books devoted to living with diabetes, and the recipes are delicious.  
    PLEASE do what the doctor suggests; if you can control your blood sugar with diet and exercise, it is a lot easier, and you'll be a lot better, than testing your blood and taking shots and/or pills several times a day.  


    Yes, I was hoping Julie would see it and shed some light on it, especially the part about the urine test strip. She had talked openly on here about her diabetes.

    How you think about foods greatly affects the result of consumption. That is what is needed to control the effects of consumption. You are not victimized by the food you consume but rather your thoughts about what you are eating and how your body will respond. You have control of that. 


    Maybe this will help: define...Eventually

    adverb: the culprit will be caught eventually: in the end, in due course, by and by, in time, after some time, after a bit, finally, at last, over the long haul; ultimately, in the long run, at the end of the day, one day, some day, sometime, at some point, sooner or later.

    The end of a problem is up to you.


    Some people are just naturally sweet. I suspect that you're one of them. Seriously, when were you last tested, prior to this test? Did you lose weight, and if so, how much? Did you stay away from things?


    Yes, when he first diagnosed me, he said " If you don't get control of this by diet and exercise, then in 5 yrs., you're going to be in trouble "
    I joined a fitness center in 2012 and lost 5 lbs. Then I quit. Now I've gone back to it again recently . I've done a good job forgoing warm chocolatechip cookies at Subway and other place like KFC :-P Sometimes I fall off the wagon and have some gooie looking homemade choc deserts at my church potluck dinners.

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