Our beautiful daughter Susan who has suffered MS for the past 20 years has passed into the final stages of this horrible disease.We admitted her into hospital on Sunday afternoon after she had suffered a series of siezures. She no longer recognizes us.The neurologist has told us that the end is near.We are totally devastated.I don't know who to talk to about it.I haven't slept for 48 hours.

11 Answers
Tom mate, I really don't know what to say, I'm so sorry that Susan has got to the last stages of this terrible disease, it really is a horrible thing for her to be going through, as it is for you and Maggie, you are one of the aka family and I feel just as bad, as if it was my own, press the precious blossom in the book of your memories, and there she'll remain in the garden of your love.
My thoughts are with you and yours.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Oh Tommyh my heart is truly breaking for you and your family. Tears are streaming down my eyes while trying to write this to you.
You have talked about your family/Susan so many times on aka before that I feel like you are more than just some acquaintance on a worldwide question and answer forum.
I have grown to love you as I have others on this forum and it breaks my heart to hear what is happening to Susan and I can't imagine what Maggie and you are going through at the moment.
Please know that we are thinking of all of you and our thoughts and prayers are with you Tommyh.
Also, I Know that I Know that I Know that Susan has been blessed to have the most caring, loving dad in Australia and I Know she Knows this too.
Hugs too all of you.
Love CB
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Oh Tommy. I'm so sorry for you and your family. Nothing that I can say, could possibly express my feelings for what you are experiencing at this moment. Please try to get some rest. You need to take care of yourself as well. I wish I could give you more comfort. :(
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

The loss of a daughter is surely the most painful experience a parent will ever endure. No matter how inevitable this moment may have been in coming,you dread its arrival.
Tommyh, I can only wish for you an abundance of strength and courage as you navigate through this trying time with your grieving family. All the best, my friend.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
My prayers are with you, Maggie, Susan, and your family, Tommy. I can't imagine what you are going through, and my heart breaks for you.
Please get some rest, because Maggie needs you to be healthy and strong for her as much as you need her.
I think the best person for you to talk to is Susan. Remember aloud her life, when you and Maggie found out a baby was on the way, her birth day, things she did as a baby, her first day of school, Halloween costumes, achievements and disappointments, what a lovely woman she became and has been, even how you felt when she was diagnosed, how life changed, and how you are feeling as you sit with her at this very moment. It is OK to tell her how much you are going to miss her, and it's certainly OK to cry when you are with her. NO ONE needs to hear it more than she, and don't ever believe that there isn't at least a small part of Susan who knows you are Dad. Share the memories, your feelings, everything you want her to know. Talk to Susan.
You are loved.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |