    What would an average amount of groceries for a week cost a retired couple? (Few dinners out, not many dinner guests) I am embarassed by how much we spend. Maybe we're on target.

    +4  Views: 822 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    Hey Itsmee,,my wife buys the food for a week,she cooks 3 meals a day,and we very rarely eat out,,( cannot afford to eat out ) we are one of those people who are asset rich and cash poor,,My wife is on an age pension,,but she is 4 years older than me..and i cannot work,and i cannot get a disability pension,even though my surgeon says i cannot work,,i own an apartment i cannot afford to live in.but when it finally sells, things will get better..however my wife says it is cheaper to cook for 2 people than 1 person...


    At least you live within your means terry,which is some achivment thease days,

    thumbs up for that , Hector

    Itsmee, Roy and I roughly spend 35 dollars a week in USA money. This  amount includes food and toiletries.  We do not buy steaks, snack foods, or anything which calls for lots of ingredients such as homemade Lasagna/Lasagne, Beef Stroganoff, Enchiladas etc.  


    Gee,I spend more than the members above me here on this question. BUT, the government sees to it that I get to spend a whopping $16 a month in food stamps and that is supposed to be enough. I do not eat out unless I get a $5 windfall……….


    terryfossil 1

    I guess this is a silly question JH,but what are food stamps,,?????????

    I'm on the government dole, Food stamps (or SNAP) are a monthly subsidy to make sure the receiver gets the proper nutrients in their diet. $16 will buy a lot of noodles......
    terryfossil 1

    you live on $16 a month..??????????

    They expect me to live on $16 a month. Thats a lot of Ramen noodle @ 12 cent a pack.. But the bad guys are breaking them down by saying how unhealthy they are for you….
    terryfossil 1

    Move to Aussie JH,,you gotta be able to do better here,,<<<<<<<>>>>>>

    Sandy and I gnaw our way through $15.00 a day(USA$) on average for food.The cost of living here  in our own home, and eeking along on everything makes our $1700.00 per month vanishes three to five days before the next pay-all-you-got expires. Sounds like we would do better if I send you money for food to be shipped to me and you keep the difference.   


    If we compared the cost for the same products, I think we would see a lot of interesting differences globally.

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