6 Answers
Some are jealous if their spouse/friend looks at someone else. Some are jealous over others' possessions. Some are jealous because others have (they think) perfect lives. Can you recover from it? Why not?
Do you think that anyone is jealous of you and what you have? Thinking about that, might give you a different perspective.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Wikipedia provides an in-depth examination of jealously that is well written and clearly understandable. I am so envious that Idid not write it myself.
Francine Prose: jealousy I remember being taught in school that jealousy was not the same as envy. Jealousy, or so I was given to understand, had a specifically romantic or sexual connotation, whereas envy had a broader meaning. It is possible to be envious of another's success, but one is jealous of a successful rival for the affections of one's boyfriend. Othello was jealous, but not envious. Now, it seems, the meanings have been conflated and blurred, and one routinely hears that someone is jealous of someone else's fame. This seems to me regrettable. I think that the two emotions—material envy and romantic jealousy—are not at all the same, and a clear linguistic distinction between them should be established and maintained.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Jealousy, the Green Eyed Monster…. Yes, I’ve been jealous but quickly rename it envy. There is a difference. Jealousy is ugly and pointless. It causes weird reactions unlike anything you would ever do given your will and personality. Action w/o thought. Make it a self rule never of reach that point. If someone else does it to you, I guess you should feel flattered……….
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Jealousy is resentment. Do you really have resentment towards others, or is it resentment or disappointment about yourself?
Identify the source of your feelings, and use one of your notebooks to journal and track your feelings.
I get jealous/resentful of stuff sometimes, but understanding a little of where it's coming from helps keep it better in check. I doubt there are many who can honestly say they've not a jealous bone in their body.
You are in charge of whether or not you allow those bad feelings to overwhelm you. If it's possessive jealousy, surrounding your spouse, I would see a therapist.
One thing that helps put jealousy in perspective is to understand, "It" is NOT all about you. (which may be what is making you jealous in the first place)
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Je lousy is a mindset, reset your mind. The more you dwell, the Je lousier you feel. Best fix is replacement.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |