    No charge was a song from a young boy to his Mother,by whom ??i forget,??

    +2  Views: 294 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Several people have recorded that song, including Shirley Caesar, Johnny Cash, and Tammy Wynette, but it was ~originally~ a hit for Melba Montgomery in 1974. 

    NO CHARGE (Written by Harlan Howard) 

    My little boy came into the kitchen this evenin' 
    While I was fixin' supper 
    And he handed me a piece of paper he'd been writin' on 
    And after wipin' my hands on my apron 
    I read it - and this is what it said: 

    For mowin' the yard - five dollars 
    And for makin' my own bed this week - one dollar 
    And for goin' to the store - fifty cents 
    An' playin' with little brother, while you went shoppin' - twenty-five cents 
    Takin' out the trash - one dollar 
    Gettin' a good report card - five dollars 
    And for rakin' the yard - two dollars 
    Total owed - fourteen seventy-five 

    Well, I looked at him standin' there expectantly 
    And a thousand mem'ries flashed through my mind 
    So I picked up the pen, turnin' the paper over, 
    This is what I wrote: 

    For nine months I carried you 
    Growin' inside me - NO CHARGE 
    For the nights I've sat up with you, 
    Doctored you, prayed for you - NO CHARGE 
    For the time and the tears, 
    And the cost through the years, there's NO CHARGE 
    When you add it all up, 
    The full cost of my love is NO CHARGE 

    For the nights filled with dread 
    And the worries ahead - NO CHARGE 
    For advice and the knowledge 
    And the cost of your college - NO CHARGE 
    For the toys, food and clothes and for wipin' your nose 
    There's NO CHARGE, son 
    When you add it all up, 
    The full cost of my love, is - NO CHARGE 

    Well, when he finished readin' 
    He had great big old tears in his eyes 
    And he looked up at me and he said, 
    "Mama, I sure do love you" 
    Then he took the pen, 
    And in great big letters 
    He wrote: "PAID IN FULL" 

    When you add it all up 
    The cost of real love is - NO CHARGE 


    I Think that is tear breaking Ted,There was a guy on ihe radio i B,K, might have been hts name,Canadian,

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