    Do you favor a minimum wage hike to the 10-15 dollars that is asked for ?

    I asked a McDonalds manager this question. She said the employees mostly don't favor it. McDonalds will cut their workforce. Here is the main reason. The employees that would be not released will have to work harder and more efficient. Their employees are not in favor of this new work standard. Now I don't know about McDonalds employees around the USA, but my guess the employees are not mentally or physically capable of working 40+ hours at a faster pace. Whenever I do go in, there is always a customer making a complaint about not getting what they ordered. So yes, bring on the increase in minimum wage, I would love to see these workers do their job at a faster pace, and more efficient. This minimum wage now supports hiring more employees that don't have to work hard or be responsible for their work responsibility.

    +3  Views: 519 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: minimum wage

    3 Answers

    Actually, no, I don't.  The logic I use is that, when the cost of labor increases, the cost of the product or service that labor provides will increase accordingly, and, most likely, in excess of it.  Were the cost of just about everything be lowered to produce a reduced net profit, say 60% instead of 110%, people would be able to buy more things and the bottom lines would increase.  I think everyone would benefit by being able to "get their money's worth".  

    For this to happen, the CEOs and Boards of Directors need to be willing to take bonuses of considerably less than the millions they suck from the consumer now.   

    We might also need to revisit the amount of benefits provided to people who do little but reproduce. 




    It must be different here.
    I have recently completed a project on management and allocation.
    This thinking of yours... Which is popular, with respect to you, is antiquated.
    If we don't move forward we will always move back.
    By pointing fingers instead of changing management models, not one single plan can be visualized.
    In studying this I have stated finger pointing and blame have no place. Changing culture does. Bonuses for a job well done on all levels does facilitate productivity as we are human. Caste systems do not work. Blaming "the haves" also does not work.

    Sorry Bobette, you come out of the gates running. I have spent quite a lot of time studying business models these past few years.

    I don't agree with you as I think this opinion is short minded.

    What IS the solution. Please explain how to change management models.
    I don't mean to be understood as blaming the "haves".

    Businesses are beginning to shift management models by implementing Lean, 5s and ways For promoting effective communication. Here is a list of books ....
    Good to Great. - Jim Collins
    Built to Last. - Jim Collin and Jerry I. Porras
    Lean Thinking. - James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones
    Change Your Questions Change Your Life. - Marilee Adams PHD
    getting Things Done. - David Allen
    Execution. The discipline of getting things done. -Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan
    Mistakes were made ( but not by me). - Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson
    The Three Signs of a Miserable Job. - Patrick Lencioni
    The Effective Executive. - Peter F. Druker
    Start With the Why. - Simon Sinek
    .... Business models are changing.

    FISH-O, they all sound boring to me; I live in a fantasy nightmare, but I will look into learning something from at least one of them! :D

    They aren't boring at all. Check out Netflix. Their policies for running a business are way out of the box.
    As with any endeavour. .... Find the, "Why".
    Find your "Why". It can be a painful lesson but it will bring you freedom.

    This forum on an iPhone is ridiculous.

    I'm on it, FISH-O, with an open mind!

    Start with, Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me.
    A very good read.

    Sounds like a phrase I need to add to my repertoire!

    :) It is a book that will shed light.
    You will be happy you have read it once you close the last page.

    The minimum wage in Canada is already between $10 and $11 and whenever it goes up, guess what small business owners do? They lay off an employee or two or cut every one down to part-time. You can't blame the business owner....they are in business to make money but somehow, this system just doesn't seem to work.

    Large corporations when forced by unions, to pay their employees more money, simply close up shop and move away from North America. (We in Canada and The United States have seen that happen many times.)

    I’m in favor of an increase of some sort. I does bug me that they will make equal to what I was earning after working for my company for 25 years! But just TRY to live on the minimum wage they have now. I CAN be done if the person doesn’t eat, go anywhere,wear clothes or expect a roof over their heads…….

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