    How does one take out a 7-10 split??

    +6  Views: 521 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers



    Here's a video of several pros converting the 7-10, starting with Mark Roth.  A few years ago, I had the privilege of bowling WITH Mike Scroggins, also in this film.  It looks like the pin is hit on the inside and ricochets from the wall, rolling to the opposite pin. 

    About 4 years ago, my teammate picked it up, but he literally threw the ball cross alley and the pin bounced and ricocheted off the back wall, striking the back of the other pin while in flight.  A little less finesse, a big surprise, and a spare!      


    Some good exsamples Bob,I used to try a back up ball to the ten pin,now and again,thanks for the films,

    Actually, a "back up ball" for the 10 was recommended by Nelson Burton, Jr. many years ago. I was aghast, but noticed the next time I rolled for that spare, I did give my wrist a little back-flip at the release. I think I still do! :D

    Nick the pin on the far left on the left side or nick the pin on the far right on the right side.

    Have a look at what Clonge said Hec,,it is so obvious,, all you have to do is hit the 2 pins,,With a smidgen of LUCK....luck always plays a part..Always nice talking Hec..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    My balls always wind up down the gully when i try Terry,
    terryfossil 1

    Wow Hec,,that's gotta hurt,,try using some Isocol

    I did see one time someone hit ten pin and a pin fell out of the rack above the seven. It counted.



    Im serprised did the lane adjudictor know that happen,zorro??

    There is no "lane adjudicator" as you call it. It just happened. No one could protest anyway. This was an electronic scoring , nobody enters a score, all done by electronics. I don't like the idea of electronic, people need to know how to keep score.

    If you throw right, aim for right pin. You want to hit straight on center of pin. Hoping the pin will bounce back on to the alley ,roll around and hit other pin. I got this when I was in 8th grade, bowling against the now PBA great Bryan Goebel. Its all luck anyway. We made a bet that day who would get to PBA first. I lost the bet , he won. Never did get to pay him.


    yea i guess you need luck on your side a bit,and a bounce from the back of the rack up area,

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