7 Answers
The sound of an old cash register.
Listen to sound here>>http://www.soundsnap.com/antique_cash_register_lever_and_bell_x2
The sound of a coffee peculator.
Listen here>>http://www.hark.com/clips/dzghbmrxps-coffee-percolating-1
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Who remembers the old mangle in the garden,that i use to wind around for my mum,on the washing of the day,
Do you mean the good old days before cell phones or the good old days before TV or the good old days before the internet???
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I remember the sound of a crackly old public telephone that was a half mile down the street. It used to cost 4 Pence (4 big shiny copper pennies) in the days before we had decimal currency.I remember the sound (In the distance) of the electric trams that we had here in Brisbane as they ground up the hill to the terminus at The Grange. I remember the sound of the cattle as they were herded up into the milking barn at milking time every day.4 A.M. & 4 P.M.
Yes, many fond memories. Note the extended family appears to be saying grace and there are no "modern conveniences" to distract them from sharing some time together.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Yep, no one is in pajamas, swimsuit, robe, wife-beater. It DOES look like a holiday meal, though. ;D

What on earth is a wife beater? (I know the real kind but I assume it's some kind of clothing.)

You can't "beat" seeing a man wearing a wife beater shirt with socks and sandals. LOL
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