1 Answer
The Vital Records Division has death certificates dating back to August 1874. Death records become public 50 years after the date of death. Death certificates are only available to mother, father, sister, brother, spouses named on the death certificate, children, informants and legal representatives (proof of relationship is required). All others requesting certified copies of death certificates, must demonstrate direct and tangible interest. Please review the Approval Guidelines to ensure that you are entitled to your request.
Walk-in Application Requests
A walk-in application request can be made for a certified copy of a death certificate by visiting the Vital Records Division located at:
Department of Health
Vital Records Division
899 North Capitol Street, NE - First Floor
Washington, DC 20002
The hours of operation are 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM, Monday - Friday and the office is closed on major holidays.
Find more information on this site>>http://doh.dc.gov/service/death-certificates
Check here>>http://www.deathindexes.com/districtofcolumbia/
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