    What do I do with huge tree roots growing above the ground.?

    I asked my sometime boyfriend, Gary to cut them out with my electric chain saw, but he said No, it will kill the tree. I don't think it'll kill the tree.  We're not going to cut out the whole root  . We're just going to cut out the  part of the root that protrudes up above the ground. I have a Chinese weeping cherry tree and  a Maple tree. The cherry tree's roots are almost as big around as the tree trunk itself !

    +2  Views: 1195 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: trees

    6 Answers

    Not really much you can do other than landscaping around the tree mcm.


    Well, it makes it hard to mow the lawn with those tree roots, that look like trunks lying all over the place. There are two trees. I had 4, but the city took one out and made me take one out, b/c of the emerald ash borer beetle. But thanks, Romey

    Maybe you won't kill the tree but you will ruin your chainsaw chain.You will need to re-sharpen it everytime you hit the dirt.I'm not making this up.I have been using chainsaws for 50 years.See if you can hire a stump grinder.You can just shave off the top of the roots but it will weaken the tree's footing.


    thx for the good advice, Tommy .

    Put some more earth on top of them,M/C/M,


    No. It would make it too high a hump. Would not be even with my lawn, but thx for advice anyway, Hect. ♥

    The article I am referring you to below states that exposed roots are common in maples, and it is NOT a good idea to try to cut away exposed roots as it will damage a tree.  I wish I had a good answer to take to the cemetery, where I saw 3 gravestones that were being engulfed and broken by exposed tree roots. Website:    


    I load in dirt to cover the roots . This often mounds up around the tree and covers the area nicely allowing something nice to grow over the area. The problem develops as a result of planting into compost that rots out and is absorbed as nutrients. Many folks see this happening and add more compost. This brings the roots up to the surface where they spread out to feed along the grass fertilizers all the more. If you continue to fertilize the grass around the trees root exposure will continue. I fertilize trees at 10 to 24 inches below the surface with a sub-surface water and fertilizer device made for that purpose and rock-in around the tree and roots. The device is just a metal pipe about 3 feet long and water comes out at the sharp end of the pipe along the sides. By using this to water and fertilize trees from first planting, the tree roots stay in the ground where they belong. 


    ok . good advice, Robert. T Y

    You should at ALL TIMES listen to your SOMETIME boyfriend.

    Should he ever become a FULL-TIME BF, you will most likely listen to him just SOME of the time.

    Funny how that works, eh ?


    H a Ha, He was my full time boyfriend, back in ' 07 for about 8 or 9 months.

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