    Pistorius sentenced to 5 years for girlfriend's killing. He could "get out" in 10 months. What do you think?

    +8  Views: 836 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    I think it's ridiculous, that's the only polite way I can describe it.

    I also think he was guilty as h***, just shows if you can afford a good defence you have every chance of getting away with murder.

    I feel sorry for her poor family who seem to have accepted the judges sentence.

    He shot her. There is no two ways about it. Money talks………..

    *(Inappropriate image removed by Moderator Ducky)*



    But why? It wasn’t dirty or racist or anything offensive. Just the truth!

    In my view, it was an inappropriate image and could be offensive to some. I believe that you MUST know why I removed it.

    Ridiculous! The whole system over there in S.A. is ridiculous.He was proven to be a gun happy killer.

    Just goes to show, there is one law for the rich and famous, and another for the rest of us.

    He should be put away for life (or put in front of a firing squad and save tax payers hard earned cash)! shooting an unarmed woman in your own bathroom in a very heavily secured private estate is murder! how an earth can it be anything else, but he is rich white and a celebrity, so normal rules don't apply. makes me very angry!!

    He should be sentenced to assist with the care of Ebola patients in his homeland, Africa, as a volunteer.  This would be a way of giving back.  If he survives for 10 mo. then he is free! 

    I am so pleased that I did not have to judge the case. I feel sorry for the judge. That was so difficult  to come up with an impartial  decision.   

    In far too many circumstances, the value of a human life is based on the balance in one's bank account

    well since he is a big star in his country, they hate to give him 15 to life, what he probably deserves.  he is not a victim.  his beautiful, and smart girlfriend was the true victim because he could not control himself, like the rest of us have to do in this world.

    He is also a victim. Maybe difficult understand it. But this the truth.


    No he is definitely not a victim, he killed his girlfriend in a fit of temper. He's no victim.

    Please give a little explanation of how he is a victim.

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