10 Answers
I think it's ridiculous, that's the only polite way I can describe it.
I also think he was guilty as h***, just shows if you can afford a good defence you have every chance of getting away with murder.
I feel sorry for her poor family who seem to have accepted the judges sentence.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
He shot her. There is no two ways about it. Money talks………..
*(Inappropriate image removed by Moderator Ducky)*
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

He should be put away for life (or put in front of a firing squad and save tax payers hard earned cash)! shooting an unarmed woman in your own bathroom in a very heavily secured private estate is murder! how an earth can it be anything else, but he is rich white and a celebrity, so normal rules don't apply. makes me very angry!!
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |