    Would you know if you lived within the "Matrix"? have a good long look at what you do and think about it ;-)

    why most people accept this just baffles me.

    +1  Views: 752 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: baa
    Grit Savage

    I'm bored with 3 broken ribs and full of painkillers ;-)

    6 Answers

    Cmon, Grit, a movie is a movie,,do not get sucked into an unreal world,if you do, then they win...

    Grit Savage

    check out the word "hypothetical" thats what this is about mate.
    terryfossil 1

    Ahhh Grit,,i am looking for the word "hypothetical"... nope cannot seem to find it anywhere.<<>>>>>.always nice talking mate....

    I Think he means a bit like the Broncs??near new york,

    What's a bronk, Hector ? And what, for that matter, is a Matrix ?

    Good grief! What a load of BS.The very fact that you are here on this social media forum proves that you are already sucked into the matrix.(As you call it).The simple fact is "LIFE". We need to eat & we need shelter for our families,so....we have to work.Money is the root of all evil but without it we are doomed to starvation.Most people looking for the lifestyle that your article describes are serious dodgers.

    Grit Savage

    you obviously took the wrong pill mate ;-)


    The Bible says the LOVE of Money is the root of all evil, not money .

    I think I’m resenting you or at least of what I read. Foremost, I resent you telling me that 40 years of hunting, taking, trying to medicate my severe (and life threatening) depression is for not. This article over generalized human nature, not everybody falls within it’s description. For me, #’s 11, 12, 15 are insulting or am I “in the matrix”?

    If "Sigmund Fraud", who wrote the article, had a better grasp of the English language, or at least had a proof-reader, I might take "him" more seriously. 

    What Fraud is talking about is SOCIETY.  Spiritual people as well as soulless ghouls live in them. 

    I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I choose to come here and have been doing just what I choose to do with my time here. Folks attempted to shoe-horn me into social. religious, and political conformity...i have pretended to be impressionable when necessary and part of the group until my personal choice appeared and was a I left. My position outside the Matrix, I left behind, has required a construct of my own and a variety of limitations has required me to work in ways that are not even considered by most of the persons who I know.        


    I love and respect you, robertgrist, but I think you are trying to convince yourself of something that isn't exactly true. Good on you, though, if it makes for a peaceful human experience.

    Bob, the difference is perfectly clear to me. The effect of secrecy on folk in their everyday life is shockingly debilitating. I see the scales covering the eyes of so many obscuring so very much that only a small fraction of the light and love offered all is ever noticed. Anyone with great vision knows unconditional love and seeks to expose all that is loving as our only true reality.

    It is a valiant effort and one that would improve the condition of the world in general. I haven't great vision; it's hard for me to continue loving someone who inevitably stabs me in the front and/or back repeatedly. No ill will, but the barrier is tall, thick, and heavily armed.

    I am familiar with the problem and what I had to do is forgive everyone and every thing in my life and mind before anything even started to make sense. We are all really screwing ourselves by packing around tons of resentments, judgments and screwed-up beliefs. Up grading your own mind is required for everyone and clearing the ways is essential to getting different results.

    I really doubt I can have love for people who have been nothing but nasty to me. The most I can hope for is indifference. Kudos for you that you have conquered the obstacles that I'm sure will trip me up right into my grave.

    Robert, It helps to have money , to do whatever the h- - - - you want .

    I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I choose to come here and have been doing just what I choose to do with my time here. Folks attempted to shoe-horn me into social. religious, and political conformity...i have pretended to be impressionable when necessary and part of the group until my personal choice appeared and was a I left. My position outside the Matrix, I left behind, has required a construct of my own and a variety of limitations has required me to work in ways that are not even considered by most of the persons who I know.        

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