    Do, or did your pets ever do anything silly or spooky?



    +7  Views: 984 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    Interesting cat.

    Such an athelete! here we go...up,up & away! Hahaha!

    8 Answers

    Baby, a wild little turtle, would do anything for a cheese cracker. One day we were on top of the bridge where we normally lived and it was flooding and Baby was swimming midstream, against the running water because I told her James had run to the store to get her crackers! She swam and waited and he got back and she got her fill………..



    @DD...Sorry for the death of your "live turtle" but I can't help but laugh. lol

    My dog would be comfortably lying on the living room carpet and then suddenly lift her head and stare at the window near my front door. There was never anyone there, no one looking in the window, no one on the front porch, no noise. It only happened at scare me. I think I saw her smile.   :) 


    My cats did that too.

    William bit my bum once,


    Did you deserve it? lol

    i must admit he had been on a diet for about a few weeks,

    That's what you get for not feeding him. He'll just eat YOU! lol

    Silly!  LOL. Do  you remember the time I left Skype on while I was talking to you to go grab a snow cone?

    My dogs went wild when I pulled up in the driveway so you could hear them before I could hear them..  

      Nicholas, my dachshund was so entertaining. When he would hear the song, "Who Let The Dogs Out" he would start howling.  

      I also remember the time I had a man come over to my house to fix the washing machine.  He left his tool box open while working on the machine and Nicholas took some tools out of the box and hid them.  So cute and funny. :)

    My dog Pippa used to chase 747s when they flew past our house away in the distance.

    She never caught one tho.


    Not a very fast dog then Tom?


    I hate to tell you guys this, but had to euthanize my beautiful boy cat, Tigger, on Wednes..... Oct. 15th,2014 .  He had been with me for 14 years. He became a part of me  .  Funny Romos should mention that, b/c  I was just thinking a lot lately of all the tricks Tigger used to play on me.And how he tried to outsmart me.  I'm really having a hard time with this. He was the first cat I ever had. Maybe some of you can tell me what it was like when you had to suddenly lose a cat or dog to euthanasia...... . It had to be done, b/c Tigger's one kidney failed. His other kidney looked small and undeveloped.


    Sorry to hear about Tigger Juliana, I've lost a few pets myself but I still have all the happy memories and small mementoes and photos of them all, they were family.
    country bumpkin

    MCM, I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. I rescued a little 4 week old kitten from the pound in the late 90's. I adopted her because I knew if I didn't she would be more than likely put to sleep. She was skinny, flea infested and covered in motor oil. She grew up to be a beautiful cat. She was never the most loving cat, but she sure was intelligent. I had to put her down about 2 1/2 years ago when her kidneys or liver was failing. She is buried in my grandfathers pet cemetery underneath the big Mesquite tree.

    My sympathy to you, as well, MCM. All my pets are gone now, except for Peanut. It's a tough time, to sit with your pet, who you have chosen to euthanize for his/her benefit. As for myself, I cried my heart out, and took him/her home to bury. One of my dogs was cremated and I gave the ashes to my son.
    While the tranquilizer was taking effect, I petted and hugged my friend and talked through the tears, remembering fun times and trying to project calm. When the euthanizing shot was administered, I kept my hand on my pet, and spent several minutes with him/her after death. I have pictures of my pets and don't have a problem crying, even years later. They were family, after all.

    Sorry to here that mcm. It really is a heart breaking thing to have to do, but the little must have been in pain ,so you had no choice. You will treasure the memories of him for ever, God bless him.

    I frightened my cat so much that it ran up the wall and across the ceiling upside down for 8 feet before dropping down on a couch and out an open ground floor window. Didn't come back home for three days. That was many years ago and I thought it may have eaten some pharmecutical grade LSD-25 from Sandos I had around at the time.


    May you ate it and that's why she was afraid of you, Robert.

    I know how it feels m/c/m,but he will always be around you somwhere,

    Thanks, everyone for your support. ♥

    I had a pet watermelon when I was a kid, it could roll and sit and stay.  Also, my pet fish.

    When I was young lad living in Ohio, I wanted a pet, I really wanted a dog but Mom n Dad couldn't afford one for me, times were rough when I was little, so they got me a pet fish, I loved my fish, we went every place together. He wasn't much for tricks though.




    Hope Ruffy & yer fish are happy together now.

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