    The georgia guidestones. a monument to the "ultimate" solution or just another conspiracy theory gone mad?? ;-)

    shortly after the stones were altered with the 2014 stone, the rockefellers pull out of oil and into renewables. coincidence??? ;-) 

    0  Views: 416 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: theendisnigh

    1 Answer

    Predictive messages are so crass as they fall through the wrong hole. The prediction game is such a losers game that it is no wonder the folk who erected this monument to their ego, money and whopping stupidity should seek to remain beyond public awareness. Those folk must be in some secret society that proclaims their nobility every day to support their idea of reducing the global population to a paultry 500 million. That is not going to happen folks...unless they are hopping to go back through time to a point where there was 500 million people on the planet...In that case bye-now and good luck getting that time machine working for you.    

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