    We’ve all been to a park. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found in one?


    +8  Views: 799 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    I don’t think he was there for the pleasure of it……...

    6 Answers

    I found a live lobster walking through the park. Someone must have bought it from the supermarket and couldn't stomach boiling it alive so the lucky lobster was let loose or it escaped from a backyard barbecue.

    I walk in a park a lot and I can't remember finding anything strange. There are no really good hiding areas though and our parks are well patrolled by the police.

    Nothing that qualifies as "strange" for being in a park, but once a friend and I stopped at a bird sanctuary park along the northern California coast.  We were walking toward a bridge and saw a mountain lion right in the middle of it.  After looking at each other for a few wary moments, it went one way, and we went the other.  


    The usual......Used syringes, broken beer bottles.

     a  man that was standing in the parking lot peeing .

    A Mariachi band in San Antonio TX.


    Arriva! Arriva!

    Si! Si!

    I asked them for Cielito Lindo. It was beautiful.

    Is that a beer or a song?

    Hahaha! No it's a love song.
    country bumpkin

    Tommy I really like this song. When I lived in FT. Worth we used to eat at a very popular Mexican restaurant called Joe T Garcia's, it was one of those places where people were standing in line out to the parking lot. They always had a Mariachi band playing on the weekends and this was one of my faves second to La Cucaracha of course.

    Now this one what my favorite, always requested it :
    country bumpkin

    Didn't we learn to sing this one during music class Julie?

    No, it was popular when I was growing up and my mean sister told us it was a song about a boy who had his leg bit off by a shark and he died. We cried when it came on the radio…..

    No, it was popular when I was growing up and my mean sister told us it was a song about a boy who had his leg bit off by a shark and he died. We cried when it came on the radio…..

    No, it was popular when I was growing up and my mean sister told us it was a song about a boy who had his leg bit off by a shark and he died. We cried when it came on the radio…..
    country bumpkin

    LOL, that was mean. I know it was a popular song and I think this is why we sang it in music class, we probably learned it around Cinco De Myo.

    Juan Ter mera was popular here too. Back in the 70s.

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