    i need a good working analogies solver like where u type in the anaolgies and then u get the awnser but their are none and i have been trying to find the awnser for HOURS

    HELP i really want HELP 

    0  Views: 451 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Sorry, but I for one, have no idea what it is that you are looking for.


    I don’t know but get a load of this:


    analogy |??nal?j?| noun (pl. analogies) a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification: an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies | he interprets logical functions by analogy with machines. • a correspondence or partial similarity: the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia. • a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects: works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature. • Logic a process of arguing from similarity in known respects to similarity in other respects. • Linguistics a process by which new words and inflections are created on the basis of regularities in the form of existing ones. • Biology the resemblance of function between organs that have a different evolutionary origin. DERIVATIVES analogical |?an??läjik?l| adjective. analogically adverb ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘appropriateness, correspondence’): from French analogie,Latin analogia ‘proportion,’ from Greek, from analogos ‘proportionate.’

    Analogies are similar in some way to an example that may or may not be accurate, related or remotely similar. Thus analogies are not problems as much as vaguely similar. 

    analogy noun there's a thinly veiled analogy between his fiction and his real life: similarity, parallel, correspondence, likeness, resemblance, correlation, relation, kinship, equivalence, similitude, metaphor, simile. ANTONYMS dissimilarity.

    If 3 is to 9 as 12 is to 36 then 4 is to___...12.  

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