    Here's The Ugly Truth About How People Use Facebook When In A Bad Mood

    How do most people try to get over a bad mood on Facebook? They search for friends who are even worse off than they are, a new study suggests.

    “Generally, most of us look for the positive on social media sites," study co-author Dr. Benjamin Johnson, an assistant professor at VU University in Amsterdam, said in a written statement. "But if you’re feeling vulnerable, you’ll look for people on Facebook who are having a bad day or who aren’t as good at presenting themselves positively, just to make yourself feel better.”

    For their study, the researchers told 168 college students that they had performed either "terribly" or "excellent" on a test (regardless of how the students reallyperformed) in order to put those students in a good or bad mood. Then the students were asked to check out a mock social networking site called SocialLink.

    The students were shown various profile pages on this site, which were designed to make the people in the profiles appear attractive or unattractive (indicated on the profile with heart symbols) and successful or unsuccessful (indicated with dollar signs). There was no difference in terms of the content in each profile's status updates.

    “So the only real difference between the profiles was the ratings of career success and attractiveness signified by the dollar signs and hearts,” Johnson said in the statement.

    Study participants had to choose which of these profiles they wanted to click on. Their decision was based at least partly on their moods.

    What did the researchers find? Overall, students spent the most time on the profiles of people who were rated as successful and attractive. But when the researchers compared students who were put in a bad mood to those in a good mood, they found the moody students spent more time on the profiles of less attractive and less successful people.

    “If you need a self-esteem boost, you’re going to look at people worse off than you," study co-author Dr. Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, a professor of communication at Ohio State University, said in the written statement.

    As The Atlantic reported, this finding is similar to how people who are "unlucky-in-love" are more likely to listen to sad songs, and how tearjerker movies actually may make people happier.

    This new research was published online in the journal Computers in Human Behavioron Sept. 28.

    +12  Views: 1592 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    Very complicated .

    8 Answers

    Aren't we supposed to come here to akaQA whenever we're in a bad mood?


    or want to complain about our families

    Or anything else.

    I don't!! I wouldn't dream of inflicting my mood on friends here.

    Aw come on Tommy. You can whine to us. lol
    country bumpkin

    HA! Sometimes coming here puts me in a bad mood, but usually it's tons of fun. :)


    I thought you were,??

    Sounds a bit like the song Elener Rigby,All the lonely people where do they all come from,

    terryfossil 1

    Facebook Hec Facebook..<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

    My FB account has a handful of pictures and a lot of things I've copied from others' posts...funny cartoons or how-to do something.  It is a way for me to keep a string on people I knew in my younger days, and I've reconnected with a friend or two I actually spend real time with once in a while.
    My daughter-in-law has a sister who posts some trash talk sometimes; when I see it, sometimes I try to give her a different direction for her anger, although the damage is done.
    Interesting article, CB. Human nature is quite a beast.


    country bumpkin

    It is good for finding old friends. Roy connected with an old acquaintance on FB last night.

    THAT is what makes it worthwhile...keeping in touch with friends.

    I do not touch facebook with a 40 foot pole,,heard to much bad stuff about it,,and the hits keep coming..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I totally agree with the posting CB presented, i myself steer clear of Facebook, it's an ego booster, who gives a hoot what they had to eat for dinner, a baby  getting it's first tooth, what sort of day they have had, 'ell sounds like Aka, only kidding, we are like a family, unlike Facebook with a  1.000,000 friends you do not know what so ever, FACEBOOK TD.--- i feel better already. :)


    It gets pretty silly sometimes with the minutiae some people post.

    My observation about Facebook:

    Post picture and wait for people to see it.

    Inhale the lovely compliments as follows:

    Beautiful pic....beautiful inside and that shirt....such a beauty inside and are gorgeous....great earrings....beautiful inside and out....such a beautiful your hair that're so beautiful....inside and out. This is her picture....



    country bumpkin

    LOL....I think you got it!

    Trending now, unibrow!

    Love it. I wish I were harrier! lol

    Looks a bit like Ted on a bad hair day,

    Or on that windy day. :)

    I love Facebook. It's tons of fun . I don't check out profiles unless I get a friend request from a stranger. I don't befriend strangers. I post anything I find clever or pro-democratic or anti republican....


    Like it Julie,O,L,L,

    I haven't really figured out FB yet.My daughters send me photos etc,I click like & get the hell outta there.

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