6 Answers
No I haven't. If you WANT to take it back, call her and tell her so. That won't be so easy to do but it will mean that you attempted to "fix it". :(
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Well no....I haven't. She must have really upset you Julie.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Not that I can recall.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Knowing a little more about the situation, think about what you said to me in your email about writing to her.
Not that I agree with you, however. You were pushed to a breaking point. Do I tell off people who desperately need it? No, I'm too much of a wuss.
If you feel you were "in line", don't worry about it. If you feel you went overboard, apologize.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
i know how you feel. i did say something to someone when i was in junior high school. afterwards i felt i hurt the person's feelings and my statement should have been different. i told myself then, "think before you speak". i said it to myself and brainwashed myself, no to be rude and to be courteous. don't get me wrong, i do speak my mind and the truth, and have had to set a few people straight over the years. but i try to be diplomatic, even if i can't stand the s.o.b. the trick is to let the person know you can't stand them and/or what they did, in a diplomatic manner. have a fabulous day!
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |