Prettiest First Ladies of all time. What do you think? Care to add to or delete from the list?

I can't see/find the list. I only see a pic of J. Kennedy.
2 Answers
I found pictures of the hottest first ladies in our time and there are some real beauties……..
Check them out here:
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I think Barbara Bush was a nice looking woman when he was in office. And I saw a young picture of her and she was very pretty. I saw them once when they drove by and I was outside my car waving to them .She looked surprised and happy to wave to me. Maybe she liked my hat ; and I was dressed for church
I would strike one first lady who was continuously referred to as beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, etc. and that was Jackie Kennedy. She was soft spoken and classy but pretty? Not in my opinion. I actually thought she was rather odd looking.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Ducky, my late uncle would have known just what you mean,, b/c he said she' s not pretty b/c her eyes are set too far apart. Ha ha . I thought she was pretty however. You gotta look at the whole package ,tho' on her young pictures.
Demure and like a deer in the headlights, but when you read about her, she was her own person, just in over her head with the Kennedy clan.

I think any woman would be in over her head, being married to a Kennedy. Many of the men seem to have little respect for women.
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