    How do you comment this quote "If you don't feel nothing doesn't mean it's not hurting"

    +3  Views: 2016 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Being numb to the world is a common reaction to hurtful situations. When one hurts, it manifest in different ways.  The first part of  healing is to be recognized for the way you feel.  I feel you are hurting……..

    It's a negative Quote! A sad person said it!  Cheers to all!  Don't worry! Be Happy!

    The grammar is apalling.


    ...better than

    it so is lindilou that would be a whole lot of pain

    I think it means that many people have scars on the inside...that cannot be seen... hurts that they might carry but from their expressions you would never know it.

    Many people stifle their feelings often because they think they are alone in it but in a world of more than 7 billion people it is rare not to find someone who has suffered more than 'oneself'....


    A woman lost her only son and this caused her great pain and she carried the body of her son around the village looking for someone who had a potion to bring him back to life. Someone told her that Buddha has such a potion. She found Buddha at his retreat and asked him if he had such a potion. He said that yes he does. She asked if there was any herbs she could collect to aid in it's making. Buddha said that he needed some mustard seeds. She said she would collect some mustard seeds. As she was leaving Buddha said the seeds need to come from a household that has never known death. The woman said she would find these seeds. Every home she visited had the seeds to give her, but every home had experienced death at one time. In one a mother, in another a daughter, in another a servant, and in another a husband. Finally the woman realized that no one goes through life without experiencing the pain of death. At this time she let them take the body of her son and bury him. She returned to Buddha to thank him for reminding her of this simple fact. Buddha said the realization that everyone experiences the pain of death did not ease the pain of her loss, it eased the suffering of her holding on.

    Buddhist Parable

    So the grammar is incorrect but not so appalling - a double negative - many people do this but I cannot imagine this being in a "quote". People who have so much pain feel numb sometimes as they cannot cope with what should be painful. Something in their brain switches and cannot or do not see, want or feel the reality of what has happenned. Things happen in our bodies and we do not feel the pain but they are happenning. Lately I heard turmuric is good for preventing dementia, stroke and alzeimers. 


    If you don't feel anything doesn't mean it's not hurting.  OK, I've corrected the grammar. 

    Now, to comment on the statement:  It's going to the safe zone, the place where one feigns indifference to protect oneself from crumbling emotionally.  If one pretends not to care, claiming to "feel nothing", closing off her heart and head to something hurtful, it doesn't naturally follow that all the pain and hurt will automatically disappear.  One would have to be a narcissist or other form of sociopath to have no care or concern.

    I turned away from my eldest son in November, 2013 because I refused to condone his lifestyle and choice of partner (an alcoholic, abusive, drug addict).  Don't think for a minute that I didn't worry and mourn for him and his children on a multi-daily basis.  I went through the motions of "feeling nothing".  

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