    Where do you find the power to live, to go on?

    +3  Views: 940 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    Welcome back, Jersy

    Hahaahaaha, thank you.

    It would behoove you to stay away from alcohol, as that is a depressant, and many (il)legal drugs have artificial "highs" (of course, artificial) followed by dramatic "lows".

    9 Answers

    Me? I medicate. Simple as that. Now I enjoy day to day life and am comfortable with my own existence…..

    Think positive.The show must go on.I have had many setbacks in my life but I have always considered those around me.Those who count on me,the ones I love so dearly.


    That's a good attitude to have Tommy, it keeps you and others around you going.

    With me is when I surrender my will to God and read His words in the Scripture. I've studied many other religion I wont name them, However reading the written words of God, which the apostles and many other that witness the event of that God had sent His only begotten Son to purchase us of this evil world that we live in, Jesus was crucified for our sin He who had no sin paid the price with His blood, Now that was a free gift from God. You either accept or refuse His Grace.


    Rolly, please do not preach your beliefs here. Thank you.

    for me.......It's the same thing that rolly has said.

    Judging from this question and others, you seem to be depressed. If so, have you sought professional help?


    No, i haven't. But i try to pass doing something like reading, working etc. It's like you are pushing yourself on something. The situation in my family is c
    mplicated, even sometimes it is hard to face it, it' s a way to know life and people. So i just push myself.

    LOVE...all I am is Love. I only choose love, so love is all I see.    

    For me, it's a combination of things, but certainly my faith in God and salvation through Jesus Christ is at the top, even when I'm "too busy" to "keep in touch" formally.

    I have adult children who have children, making me a grandmother, and I cherish each one of them and want to spend time with them, even when we are at odds with each other.

    There are many experiences and opportunities "out there".  I don't have a bucket list, but when a chance to do something comes up, I take advantage of that if I can.  

    Depression has assaulted me for years.  Being aware of that, options open to me are prescription medication, holistic approaches, being active.  There are days, weeks, and months that are spent playing solitaire on the computer; such a waste and needless escape. 

    Having goals, a plan to reach them, and keeping yourself busy, as you do, goes a long way in giving purpose to your daily life.  I hope you have a chance to spread your wings and experience this world in the happiest of ways, jersy!  Hang in there.  

    I find the power in just knowing how cool I truly am.... we are here to experience life and have some joy and so as you do not forget let me just remind you that only the bravest, most courageous of us decide to come into life and for that I applaud us all... especially you who doubt your incredible spirit and strength! Baby if my feet hit the floor every morning ... then I be a-rockin'! If not, then I be dead!

    We are here, as Dalai Lama says, to " Live Life '!      peace  xo  LL



    Through Jesus Christ!

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