2 Answers
See here...http://help.aol.com/help/microsites/microsite.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=47395
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
To make AOL your home page, try this:
To make ANY page your home page do the following.
First go to the page you want to be your home page.
See if there is a link at the top of the page to do it for you. Some pages such as Yahoo.com have the link for IE and not Firefox. If there is no link then....
A. If you are using Internet Explorer.
1. There is a little house icon on the Command Bar.
2. Click on the triangle next to it and then "add or change home page".
3. Select the correct option.
B. For any browser (including Internet Explorer).
1. Go to tools > options (or internet options).
2. Select the first tab or section (main or general).
3. Select the option to make the current page your home page.
4. If you want a blank page as home page then select that option.
If that doesn't work, go to AOL.com
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |