    What do ( or did ) you do for a living ?

    +5  Views: 832 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    I was an electrical mechanic in the Royal Navy first part of my working life, building and construction trade after that, occasional bar work for extra cash,later on was Area Manager for a childrens charity, at present I'm on a forced holiday from employment.

    I worked for my company nearly 25 years, had various types of jobs there. The last of which I was wiring traffic cabinets (the metal boxes you see on street corners)………..


    That's good that you had a 25 yr. career. Do you get a little pension ?

    Very little……...

    Based on where I have retirement benefits, teacher and clerical accounting would be my "career" jobs.  I've worked as a typist, receptionist, 10-key operator, bookkeeper, 21 (Blackjack) dealer, various customer service positions, fast food crew member, and even as an electrician.  When my kids were in school, I was a very busy volunteer!

    Teaching and customer service were rewarding on a personal level. 



    Bob can you email me at let me know it's from you in subject. thanks tabbie

    Done, 9/22/14 @ 10 P.M.

    Hi mcm ... I am a gardener right now but sometimes I am a cook! I was a road musician for 20 years before having children ... yes a late-in-life Mom I am!



    Lindi, what instrument did you play.? My parents were later in life first time parents too :-)

    Guitar, mandolin, banjo and flutes!

    Carpenter mainly.I also ran my own equipment hire for 12 years.I also had a break from the tools as a road tanker driver for 3 years.Retired now.


    my dad was a carpenter. he thought it was the most honorable profession since Jesus also did carpentry work. we kids thought it too. my dad was a great carpenter and foundation man. He worked for Whitecliff Builders for 30 years and they said he was the best foundation man in the business. Funny thing he and my brothers build a house in San Mateo, Ca. We kids use to laugh because it was so sturdy. We said if there's an earthquake we want to be here at home because it probably won't fall. dad told me he used more nails per square foot for sturdiness, for what its all worth.

    Could be something in his nail theory Tab.The general theory tho is "Where you put the nails" rather than "How many nails".

    I have only done what was necessary and very little more. I have lived well, retired early and enjoyed my life. My experience has been rewarding and interesting. Personal fame and great personal wealth are not attractive to me so being involved in seeking fame and fortune has never been a goal. Just enough to get by for a few days was all I sought to do. Having ample time to read, take college courses and explore how social groups work and why they grow or fail has been important to me. Money comes easy and I do not steal. If you could see what I see, it would be obvious why no one needs to work for a living or be paid. I have tried to enlighten folk about how they can be free, live free and live a wonderful life. The term used to define my life-style and method of simple living is "crazy". No one hears anything after that term is heard.   


    rg...everbody knows I'm a little bit tilted awready so...I wonder, have you ever considered a study of what is known or has been observed in primate social behaviours of other Sasquatch? I am being quite serious. They seem, socially, like a mixture of Gorilla , Troglodyte, and Indigenous Bush peoples.
    They hide and protect the family , they communicate in languages even French Canadienne, Spanish, English and Native American dialects as well as infrasound, tree knocks, whoops and grunts and growls and the mimicry of all species including ourselves... it is reported and documented that they have 'music' in the forms of tapping stones like castanets, singing and humming... they build blinds , tipis, huts, nests on ground and in trees... you live in a prime primate zone... hmmmm? ;)
    Just curious! xo LL

    so Robert, you played the stock market ?

    Lindi, Yes, I am very interested in Big Foot. I watch all the shows and docs about it.And the shows where people are actively in the woods looking for it.

    I do reside in a house we own, here in Yreka, CA. Primitive life styles ( by middle America) are at the trailing edge of my interest...too enslaved for the work and too easy to seek out all means of thrift and advance in independence.
    I worked in electronics and found my employers contemptuous in stealing my electronic designs beyond their legal right and filed suite. My life threatened, so I left it to the courts and came to California.
    " If you talk about the CIA, you are crazy and eligible for mad-money. The rules of our government would rather not upset the money gouge to express honesty openly. So crazy, simply equals standing up for your own values over and above the money involved.

    babysitter when i was little 12.  file clerk in high school, tutor for kids, avon seller, type setter for 2 newspapers, maid, while in college, radio talk show host, receptionist, column writer for a few papers. group home counselor, (worked with lots of gang kids), social worker (case manager) family specialist (counselor for kids and parents). m.c. for events and shows.  now i tutor writing for college kids and grown ups, and part time percussionist. 

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