    what can be done? My senior sister is sick and has no money. She does not have enough food and just the necessities. Her home had mold and mildew. What can be done?

    +1  Views: 726 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    It depends on the city/country in which you live. This is a world wide question and answer forum. I would suggest that you contact your local government representative or social service agency. They should be able to direct you to the correct agency in your area for assistance.

    I agree with the advice you got from Ducky. Another suggestion for your sister  (if she's able)  is to walk into any local church ( it doesn't matter what denomination) and ask for food.  Most churches have a food pantry and they will help you without question. It doesn't matter if you attend church, believe in God or not because they want to help.

    The advice regarding food is great and don't forget about the Salvation Army! It's what they do... soup kitchens, free bread and food hampers for those who can prove a need.

    That mold and mildew problem must be resolved immediately...this can be very, very detrimental to one's health causing lung distress and sinusitis! Especially to the vulnerable. Does she own her home and if so it may be time to sell and get your sis into an extended or minimal care situation with meals and other services provided....if not then go to landlord tenants for advice on how to proceed to legally get the landowner to fix the problem!

    Also ... plant a small garden for her if at all possible with quick growing greens etcetera! Everyone needs to do this ... you'd be amazed how rapidly things will grow...climate allowing and if not now then in the springtime!

    There are also sites where you can sponsor her as a recipient in need of here and see >>>


    Here for the mold and mildew >>>


    Surely her city has a Medical Assistance Program where she can receive medical aid determined in cost by her income. This service is know as M.A.P.. And they can assist her in finding extra help….             


    Where does she live? Does she have any relatives besides you and your sister?

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