    Don’t some of our members have anything to ask? Or have you gone “question blind”…………..

    Tired of the three year old questions? Add some of your own, you’re a part if this site, too………...

    +6  Views: 1015 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    this question makes a good point . . . what direction is this site headed for?  it's kind of taking a life of its own.  we're all like one big brain that seeks to solve any issue a member might have, which i appreciate. this is a point worth pondering.


    "One big brain"? LOLOLOL!!!

    There is a question I've been holding for nearly a year and haven't asked it because I don't want to be again criticized for asking a question about a family issue.


    I'd like to hear about your new grand baby, David

    Personally,I like your family questions. Brings us back to earth……...

    Thank you, J. I'll let you know in an email. I talked to my instructor about the issue, and before I even posed the dilemma, she voiced her opinion, which was exactly mine. My sister has harassed me otherwise, so I know I'm doing the better thing! :D

    I've asked quite a few questions in the last few months. I asked Romos something about Scotland, and CB said he was sleeping. Then, my question disappeared   :-\


    He is adorable, and doing really well, almost 8 months old and incredibly good-natured! Thank you for asking...
    My other 3 are doing so much better now that they are with their dad 100% of the time. They have a 1 1/2 year old stepsister and a new (probably) sister due in late January.
    I'm really blessed!

    I looked at it now, Romos. Thanks for the link . And thanks for answering it. I've always been fascinated with Scotland .....and the whole UK Always wanted to go to Europe, but never had anybody to go there with :-(

    Me too mcm... I would love love love to go ... my roots there are way way back about 7 generations via the REID Clan if they are still around! They came as explorers of the arctic to find the northwest passage but it got too cold so they headed south and ended up at Jasper, Alberta! My 7 times great grandad married a Naskipu woman from Newfoundland... this was well before the major contact of Euro with Nfld when virtually all the Naskipu Clans died from some disease brought over by the Euros. Maybe the 1500-1600s!

    I noticed that since last night (it's 7:12 A.M. in NY) the ability to post a question is missing. Does anyone know approximately, when this will be rectified?


    I was told they are working on “everything” hence, I am able to post an avatar now……..

    Asking here, on the forum, about site problems, makes no sense Clonge. Again, members need to use "Contact" at the bottom of the page. That gets you to the administrators of the site, not to other members, not to moderators but to the people who actually own and operate this site and have the power to correct the problems. No member is able to do that, nor is any moderator part of that team. Really.
    P.S. I am not missing the 'Ask a Question". It remains at the top of my page.

    Ok JH,,i noticed you gotta shark for an Avatar,,,are you feeling a bit hungry.>>><<<


    I posted it for @clonge……..

    I noticed too, for the past week or two, there's no box in which to pose a question. I was going to ask where is Colleen and what happened to her ? .......and Hector, but he's here today  :-)


    You sure there is no ask a question box mcm ?
    Long green strip at the top of the page.

    The strip at the top of my page is very light blue and to the right, is a green rectangle (just like "Add new comment"). It's there MCM. Use "Contact" at the bottom of the page and ask admin about your friend Colleen, rather than continuing to ask the members here on the forum. Admin should have the answer for you.

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