11 Answers
Isis are dangerous to everyone, money or no money, they disrupt governments all over the world.
10 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

They are a threat to the whole free world. They are going to have to be dealt with in the most brutal way,ie wiped out completely, otherwise we will all live to regret that we sat back and did nothing.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I am concerned that the US may be dragged and prodded and coerced into another, un-winnable war based on the 1950's plot to maintain military readiness by engaging in an endless small war test stages to keep all the guns at the ready and up-dated for something really big and nasty. The problem is that the war mongers are presenting the wrong target group as "the enemy". We are all of us THREATENED with the very real threat and lack of preparedness to deal with approaching astroids that has the potential of ending life on this planet and will not offer any peace treaty...just death. There are a lot more out there...coming here with the objective of wiping US off the wind-shield.
We should consider this in perspective...Maybe God could send an astroid to wipe out ISIS. I just don't see that happening as a modern-day Biblical event. But then I thought it amazing that ISIS would be into offing Baptist in Iraq. I had no idea they had penetrated the Arab empires. Christianity to Arabs is like offering killer bees honey from your hand.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
If fear is all the news media has to talk about, I will not listen. My life is much larger than all that. My TV has an "OFF" setting that I find is simply wonderful!
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
As far as USA, I fear Liberal Democrats more so than ISAS And UN-informed voters. As long as we must maintain out PC politics and pander to the next election, we have a serious problem. Not 'war-mongers'. Protectors of the people and the land. Sometimes in order to survive you must hurt someone's feelings. They need to get over it. Our country was secured with war, it's unfortunate but its facts! we have since the 1700's been in several more wars, we as humans have never been happy whith what we have, we want it all! It's an unfortunate truth! where before, wars were fought over resources, now we have ideology as an enemy. It's not the people, it's their beliefs and their belief that all must conform to their 2000 year old culture or else die! There is no negotiations, no working it out, ISIS will continue to build and we will continue to worry about the next election.
Obama is weak, and he is not a militarist- No leader ever tells the enemy what he is NOT going to do! After telling the world we have the most powerful military in the world and in the same breath, says we won't use it. It's insane.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Yes, and to a great part of the "civilized" world. Check out the partnership: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/middle-east-countries-offer-u-s-led-anti-isis-coalition-article-1.1935357
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |