    What would you like to be able to do, but are unable?

    +5  Views: 734 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: inability

    7 Answers

    I would like to move to another spot in Michigan or to N. Carolina, or maybe Florida where my nephew and  his wife and 3 adorable kids live. But, I can't move, b/c  I don't have anyone to move with and to help me move. Before my husb got sick and died, we were going to move back to Ohio after my mother's demise, but she outlived him !   B T W,  Today, ( Sept  11th) ,  would have been my late husband's birthday. Happy Birthday, Joe.  ♥  ♥


    Good name, JOE. I named my son Joe because I nave met a bad one……
    country bumpkin

    MCM I don't know your financial situation and it's none of my business, but you can hire a moving van to move your belongings to another city or state if you can afford it.
    You've mentioned if you did move that you don't have anyone to move in with (at least this is what I think you mean). You live alone now so it shouldn't matter if you have someone to move in with or not. If you moved to Florida you would be near family and I know you want to be closer to your family so seriously considering a move may make you very happy. :)

    Pray with your palms together. Praise with your palms up high. Accept your blessings with hands and heart open wide.
    Help is all around you.

    Moving somewhere pretty and warm is a very good dream.

    Good luck M-Cat.

    Have a relationship with my biological father.

    I can’t carry a tune is a tin bucket.  AT ALL! I wish I could sing. At birthday parties I mouth the words to the song………...


    It might be fun to take singing lessons. I've been thinking about it.

    direct and produce a movie about one of my favorite topics.

    sometimes I would like to be able to just say NO!



    Sadly,George Jetson & family are now in the past.So even the future doesn't last very long. I always wanted to name a dog Trowelfaz.LOL

    Write a best selling novel and become famous because of it.     :)


    Fame isn't all it's cracked up to be you know.

    Okay then, never mind the fame, just give me the money!

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