    Produce a report for carers which explains the following:the key components of a healthy and safe home based environmentthe principles of safe supervision of children in the home based setting and off siteways of ensuring that equipment is suitable for children and meets safety requirementswhere to obtain current guidance on health and safety risk assessment of the home based work settinghow to store and administer medicines.

    Produce a report for carers which explains the following: the key components of a healthy and safe home based environment the principles of safe supervision of children in the home based setting and off site ways of ensuring that equipment is suitable for children and meets safety requirements where to obtain current guidance on health and safety risk assessment of the home based work setting how to store and administer medicines.

    0  Views: 790 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!   Sure I'll get right on that. Check back here in two or three weeks and I'll have the first draft ready. We'll start editing and see what changes you would like made.

    Don’t tell me, let me guess:  HOMEWORK?  Start off simple for starters…….

    I know I just saw something about that and I'm pretty sure it's just what you want to see. It was right here on top of my file cabinet on home safety and child safety. My glasses are here somewhere too. The doorbell just rang and it's's my next door neighbor....gotta go.

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