9 Answers
Green paper slips and metal disks. Tokens. A way to control people. Bait. A vector for every communicable disease on the planet. Slave wages. The fool's errand. Green dream fever. The idol of fools. An excuse to avoid an education. Payment for God's favor. Sin tax. Fair trade. The last thing you will ever need. Cheap. Winnings. Debts. Ball and chains. Tally. Ransom. Trade-ware. Balls. A bet. ...it-all. ...all-in. Oh! Pay-day. Winnings. In-sufficent funds. Paid in full. Bankrupt. Chump-change. Tithes. The love of ....M--- is the root of all evil. Press-piece. Owe. The contents of Pandora's box. Treasure. Notes. Luger. A land-lords reason to visit. The goods. Give up the goods. Skim. Filth. Funny. The way in and out. The price of a ticket. revenue. Blood. Support.
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