    Do you feel football players should be taken out of the game for getting violent with their wives at home?

    +3  Views: 482 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    YES! And not just football players and not just men.


    ok ok you guys. don't shoot the messenger. lol

    Shooting the messenger?????? Who? Where?

    Of course they should, including all athletes, celebrities just like you or I would be!

    Simply put, YES. I won’t go into who all else should be put in jail…….

    Absolutely! Outta the game,outta the league,outta sports altogether.

    I agree!  But the problem with this is:  They would need to establish some kinda of policy that all violence is punishable.  These guys get away with more than you could imagine but they are in the limelight, lots of money is riding on them and they will be back on the field where someone else would get 20 years in prison.   Seems that regardless of team, football players have that violent DNA in their blood which apparently scouts look for.  But I am no football fan by a long shot!  I like baseball though. 


    Why is it that there's not as much attention to 'violent' sports and steroid use? Football players are IMO all on steroids, it not only alters the body, it alters the mind as well and makes them more aggressive. Wrestlers, Boxers, all violent sports. I probably get flamed for this but IMO, all violent sports need to go away. and some of the less than violent sports as well because they bore me. LOL! 'GOLF' I don't even know why they call that a sport, they have caddys, they drive carts to the next hole and finish off at the 19th hole to get drunk and lie about the last 18 holes. :)

    What about girlfriends, what about violence in general. My opinion is that football players should have to put up a bond that if arrested , fail drug test etc ,. But we don't want to violate civil rights .

    they should be arrested and thrown in jail for 20 years !!!

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