    does the koran say kill jews and christians

    0  Views: 2635 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    People are good at interpreting anything to suit their needs.  Trust me.  If they've nothing else in common, they have this....making it work for me.

    If they can't, they denounce and disparage and condemn whatever it is.  Think along the lines of Aesop's "Fox and Grapes" fable.   




    clonge who are the infidels? also from your point of view, does the koran say to kill them?

    Every one who fights Muslims is an unbeliever (according to Islam, since true believers don't kill innocents). But not every unbeliever in a fighter. In Islam, when nobody oppresses you nor fight, you have to be peaceful to them regardless of who they are. There are verses in the Koran which asks Muslims to be kind and merciful to others. There is a verse saying : " No obligation in religion". This means that Muslims must not force others to embrace Islam. . In the majority of muslim countries where people receive a proper Islamic education, the teachings are to respect life in all forms and avoid treating others badly.

    Clonge what can we moderate religious people do or say to persuade our radical brothers & sisters to not be so radical, but to embrace peace and tolerance towards each other?

    I don't know what we can do, that hasn't been done before. Hatred begets acts of violence which begets more hatred. It's a vicious cycle. I read that it will take about 20 years to rebuild Gaza. This hatred will be passed onto the next generation, talked about at the dinner table, school, and the mosque. Now, a new trend has emerged, American citizens joining ISIS. "Everybody" has an opinion, disconnected from reality.

    Amen Clonge.

    just recently over seas Christians were force to convert to Muslim or leave, so not to be in big trouble. 100,000 were trying to get out as quick as possible and many now are refugees. a news reporter said on tv if they don't convert they die. i've heard many reports on this topic, and it's interesting. but this is how the 'west was won' all over the world, since the beginning of time. a stronger group of warriors go in, kills everybody, rapes the women, takes their stuff and puts a flag down declaring land ownership and then rules the people and the land.  the difference now is, it all on the 6:00 news.  so we're all appauled and shocked. however, for many americans, beheadings seem to be the end of the line, as far as tolerance goes.


    that's what our country ( the U.S.--- did to Iraq in 2003. Now, we're there again, bombing western Iraq .



    zorro what do you honestly think about "kill all the infidels" statement? i have pondered about it myself.

    The true Muslims I know are kind and respect others. It's the radical Muslim sects that are destroying the good name of those true Muslims. Remember when the Christians killed everyone they could during the Middle Ages? They were the radical sect of those times. More people have been killed in the name of religion than any other reason. You would think humankind would have learned from their mistakes by now. We need to learn to respect and tolerate other peoples religions and not wave ours in anyone else's face.


    witchway, you've made a good point ; but the " christians " who killed many people in the middle ages weren't real Christians, b/c this goes against Jesus's teachings. They gave real Christians a bad name.

    MCM, that was exactly my point!


    Yes. The Koran says to  " kill all the infidels "   which means anybody who's not Muslim


    sorry, i meant to make my last answer a comment.

    i do believe that people, have to, and must, find the courage to discipline their own cultural brothers and sisters not to utilize the evil side of their religion and/or philosophy,  to manipulate the masses.  true christians killed a lot of people. muslims say 'kill the infidels', people in el salvador are scared to death for their children who are being threatened by groups of gangs.  if we good, clear thinking people don't try to influence our people and friends that hold these bad philosophies, we'll all be in trouble.  we'll all be trying to run 'across the border'.

    Can't we all just  get along !! ??

    Religious segregation, sexual  segregation, national origin segregation, language segregation, financial segregation....Im sure there are hundreds if not thousands of ways to separate everyone from everyone else as a motive to do some ghastly horror. Everyone of us are judged by God for our actions and no book, excuses personal choice. If a religious book tells someone to do something horrid...I am sure and have seen such pages ripped out of such Holy books as though they were never really there. I was amazed to see this happen  and no one seemed to notice after the event. 

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