    What is the most over-the-top kids birthday party that you have ever been to?

    My wife and I just attended one for our Godson, Lobster fest, and other foods for over 150 in attendance.  Many attractions, laser tag, climbing wall, bouncy house, and bungy jumper trampoline.  Also, D.J., character artist, arts and crafts station for kids, pool, hot tub, and farm animals!  Every year, different theme, and they always outdo the year before!  We had a lady in Big Bird costume, and balloons on plywood, with kids getting handful of stones to pop them.  Sack races, as activities, maybe one at Chuck E. Cheese (arcade).  Always finger food, some hot dishes, cold pizza, soda, chips, cake and ice cream!  With maybe 40 family and friends.  What was yours? 

    +3  Views: 849 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Don't do Birthday parties, never had one as a kid and................



    We did not either as a kid, if we had a cake from market, that was extent of it. We were poor, and there were 6 kids and mom.

    I was an only child, Dad died when I was 7, Mum worked all the hours she could get, didn't bother me about birthday parties, not a lot of kids in our area had them.

    I can't give you an example of an over the top birthday party I've been to as elaborate goes.  My oldest cousin does have three kids (different ages) and all their birthdays are in August.  August 24, 26, and 28.  They celebrate their children's Birthdays all on the same day with three different cakes and  they decorate with  three different themes, one  for each child. Each birthday lasts for two hours.  What a mess! :)

    Birthday parties in my day were sandwiches, chocolate milk, a birthday cake with candles,  and maybe a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey and then "Outside you kids" and we got out the skipping rope. We thought that was great fun!

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