    ADD A FACT..................

    In one of my classes, we break into teams and are shown, images of what we are studying. Each group, taking turns, identifies the image and give two facts.  The next group gives a fact, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th groups add a fact.  

    What one fact can you add to this photo:


    +4  Views: 1355 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    MY FACT: Two people drowned

    Two people drowned? Is there a pool somewhere in this picture?

    Judging by the responses from others, I guess I just don't "get" this. Clu's answer is the only one so far, that makes any sense to me. :(

    Ducky it's a pic from a disaster involving the release of 1.5 million balloons!

    lindilou, that would have been a good fact to post as an answer.

    Hey! ;)
    It does look like a Jurassic autumn coloured tree too though!

    Fooled me, and what a horrible outcome for something meant to be cool. If Cleveland Rick stopped by, he'd know, wouldn't he!

    Bob, this must be one very interesting class.

    Ducky, I'm with you. The directions are vague. We need more information.
    And Lindi, I thought those balloons were fall tree foliage .

    No mcm, I didn't say (nor mean) that "the directions are vague. We need more information". Here's what I meant.....This must be one very interesting class.

    " From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Balloonfest '86
    Time Around 13:50 EST
    Date September 27, 1986
    Location Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
    Coordinates 41°29′59″N 81°41′38″WCoordinates: 41°29′59″N 81°41′38″W
    Outcome World record for simultaneous release of balloons
    Organizers United Way of Cleveland
    Balloonfest '86 was a 1986 event in which the United Way of Cleveland in Ohio set a world record by releasing almost one and a half million balloons.[1] The event was intended to be a harmless fundraising publicity stunt, but the balloons drifted back over the city, Lake Erie and land in the surrounding area, and caused problems for traffic and a nearby airport. The event also interfered with a United States Coast Guard search for two boaters who were later found drowned.[2] In consequence, the organizers and the city faced lawsuits seeking millions of US dollars in damages,[2] and cost overruns put the event in the red.[3]"

    mcm: What do you not understand? Backstory, which I explained under the question line, and here again, for you: In my class, we are quizzed by viewing photos and taking turns identifying them for points. In like manner, I posted a photo with some red stuff in the air. A plane is circled to give you an indication how large the red stuff is. If you recognize the skyline, which is Cleveland, Ohio, you can do a little research and find out, like lindilou and Ducky did. If you post an original ANSWER, instead of a comment complaining and criticizing, you get karma POINTS. How much simpler does this need to be for you?
    We were doing pretty well keeping away from each other's space. Why don't you leave well enough alone?

    9 Answers

    Fact: This well meaning but disastrous event, happened in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, in 1986. (No wonder I don't remember it.) If anyone wants the complete story, read here.....

    It was meant for good but had terrible results.        :(

    AND man walked on the moon (this is for Don)


    That's a darn tall tree!


    LOL Honey it's 1.5 million balloons being released into the air!

    That's why I said it made sense. I also thought it was a tree! haha

    Fact: Hindsight in this event was 20-20

    Balloons 7


    Fact #2 The helicopter is part of a search and rescue effort....

    That orange thing looks like a cartoon mouse and it's chasing a UFO   (and that is a fact!)

    the tree is blocking the view.


    You really do know that it's not a tree???

    ducky what is it?

    All the info is in my answer including a link.

    The balloons look like Godzilla!  I mean King Kong...

    The Buffalo Bills are Super Bowl Champs !

    It's a UFO

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