    How good is Costco

    Is it worth the $60 joining fee?

    Judging by the queue of people waiting outside the place they must be giving stuff away.

    I haven't joined but I have had a look around the place & I can't say I was all that impressed.

    Any thoughts?

    +4  Views: 684 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    Don't have Costco in Scotland but we have what we call "cash & carry" warehouses, ok if you like buying in bulk, you will save money in the long run, but be careful what you buy, everything is not the bargain buy that it may seem.

    I live in 400 sq. ft. and don’t have the room or storage to buy in bulk so, I don’t belong. It’s a lot of money. I have friends who do and who will gladly pick me up an item or two if I need it……...

    Costco prices can be very deceiving. I would say that they are great for large families (on many items) or if you want to split things up with friends or neighbors. Otherwise, watch those "sales". As Julie said, you also have to have a lot of storage space in order to shop there on a regular basis.

    I haven't been to Costco, but I worked at Sam's Club for 3 years and Costco was across the street.  They were rivals.   I like Sam's Club.  Keep going because you will find great deals, especially on the clothing. Make sure you go during Christmas time if you are planning to have a Christmas party.  You should be able to find lots of party platters.

    it's ok if you like long lines.  they have pizza and hot dogs and you can sit at tables and eat them.  they are cheap and pretty good.  i have a brother that lives in san mateo, california and he loves costco. going there is a big treat to him.


    I've seen the pizza & it looked real good.

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